View Full Version : is it just me!

28-12-07, 20:36
i've been havin anxiety for almost a month straight...daily
even when i'm not really panicking i feel that dizzy or spaced out feeling EVERY day..... does anybody else get the daily dizzy or spaced out feelin on a daily basis

28-12-07, 20:56
Yes I have that. I almost feel drunk sometimes and have a surreal feeling and get on off dizzyness/buzzing in my head. Ive had it everyday on and off for a few weeks now.
It can happen when I'm just sitting watching tv but always happens when I leave the house and walk anywhere. Its very scary.

28-12-07, 21:18
Yeah i get it also, had it constant for a while now. it is scary but you are supposed to accept that it is part of anxiety. not nice i know when you feel in your own little world.

28-12-07, 23:38
yes, yes and yes. i feel it everyday, even when i'm all positive. thing is now i expect it to take time to 'cure'. i guess anxiety is part of me now. i cant fight it off all the time. i have to accept it.
ur not alone hun. take care

29-12-07, 01:21
Hi jojomgeee,

Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time at the minute.
It would be easy to think of this in terms of -is this the way it's always going to be.The reality is that despite the awful symptoms you are actually coping.Try to think in terms of one day at a time concentrating solely on that shorter time scale.It has helped me in the past to decrease the stress I feel about my condition.It also changes the emphasis to a more positive one.
Try to do something different today-break the cycle.You can fight this and emerge from it a stronger person.
Please believe in yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

29-12-07, 05:59
thanks i wasnt sure if i was the only one who had the daily dizziness, thanks for the reply's and hope you guys feel better soon

31-12-07, 16:33
I felt this way at first, i couldn't even relax in my own open, i literally felt like i lost all my comfort zones. But it did get eaiser over time and now i have many more comfort zones and life is almost back to normal. I recommend seeking help though as early as possible.