View Full Version : 2 new fears :( i just want it all to stop!

29-12-07, 09:17
my fears have and worrys have been going crazy the last few weeks and i just dont know why...

my new two fears are dying...and getting brainwashed

:weep: :weep:
i really just want this all to go away i lead a normal life but on the inside im hurting and always thinking about all these things im scared of i dont really tell anyone other then my bf and the ppl on here...

i was getting better then all of a sudden these thoughts are back to haunt me. i went on this website www.beonform.com (http://www.beonform.com)
this guy was going to fly from the uk to australia to help me but a) its way to expensive and b) i dont know if i believe it......and he does hypnotism which adds to my fear of being brainwashed.

sorry my head is all over the place at the moment

thanks for listening anways
love lawzy

29-12-07, 15:50
Hi Lawzy,
You are capable of taking the intiative in this case.
Get back to basics.Take things easy.Concentrate on leading a simple life one day at a time.You must learn to accept that a myriad of thoughts will go through your mind on a daily basis.Focus on those which add to your life and bin those that don't.
I believe you can do this!
Best wishes,