View Full Version : mind went blank

29-12-07, 12:07
my friend phoned me half an hour ago and mu husband asked who was on the phone when he came out of the bath. i couldn't for the life of me remember who was on the phone until he said her name. has this happened to anyone else.x

29-12-07, 12:13
All the time. LOL Its your brain being over run with thought, whether you think it or not.
I have forgotten where I have been before when asked, ''did you have a good time?''.......... hectic lives and over busy brains, dont worry, nothing more than that.

29-12-07, 12:20
thanks a lot, was starting to worry.x

29-12-07, 13:37
Hi Sherdac,
Welcome to my world!
If I had a pound for every thing I've forgotten...!
When I do forget,my daughter tends to rub her hands together and say "Not long till the nursing home,dad!"
You are fine.
Best wishes,

29-12-07, 13:41
Thanks chalky, its never happened before now. i get the walking into the room thing and forgetting what i am looking for but then i remember.x

29-12-07, 15:24
Hi Sherdac,
Again,if I had a pound....!!!
Best wishes,

29-12-07, 15:27
oh sounds like me what kills me is when im in the middle of a converstaion i forget what the subject we were on...quite embarresing.......ever forget where your driving too lol...too much on the mind thats what it is....dont worry about it............best to ya.......linda