View Full Version : PMS and Anxiety

25-02-05, 18:49
I go through very, very bad PMS and with the anxiety and depression that I go through, it just makes me feel it worse. Does anyone have any suggestions? I know this will pass once the time of the month is gone but while I am going through it, it just feels like the worst, although I do have to admit that it is not as bad as before. I know I am getting better, the anti-depressant that I take (Paxil CR 25mgs) helps with the pms to some degree but it is not completely gone. I just hate the anxious feelings. I do have valium that my doctor prescribes for me to take just in case I need it but I hate to take it. I know I won't get addicted because I rarely if ever, take valium and my dose is very low (2mgs). I just want this gone, I am so sick of it. It is times like this that I feel like such a failure. I have had this for over 2 years and I am still having the symptoms, although they are not as bad as before. I just have to constantly remind myself that I have been through it before, it will pass, this will not kill me nor make me crazy. It will pass. It's just the waiting for it to pass that makes it bad. I would take a vitamin if I knew what kind. I have been told to take B-6 and I was taking it but I didn't notice a difference. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks [V]


25-02-05, 18:55
i dont have this problem as mine are normally trouble free but wondered did you try evening primrose for the pmt think thats what it is ask meg but you have to take for a few months before it mmakes a difference

fan x

27-02-05, 23:51
Well you can try ...

Exercise, healthy foods, don't smoke or cut down.

Try avoiding excess salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

Multivitamins and gentle excercise such as walking can also help.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

28-02-05, 08:42
Hi there

My anxiety is always worse at the time of the month, I take vit b complex and omega 3 for my anxiety. Don't know whether it helps with PMS but mine is better than it was.

Take care

Elaine x

28-02-05, 10:38
I have to say i seem to get worse about a week before. I just try and relax as much as i can and i often go out for a walk which seems to help. Failing that and if none of that works i just tell everyone to keep out of my way lol.
Take care

02-03-05, 15:21
hi marilu
i know how you are feeling, i get pms really bad 2 weeks before, so im only alright for about 2weeks every month, my gp told me that pms can be worse if you already suffer with anxiety/panic i tried vit b6 but it never did me any favours, i went on the mini pill and it helped after a few months. i still get bad a few days before, but to me its better than 2 weeks.
regards sue:)