View Full Version : Teeth clenching

29-12-07, 15:19
Does anyone subconciously clench their teeth and press their tongue against the roof of the mouth? If so what symtoms does it cause you?
It irritates my throat and makes it sting and ache,when I notice it I cannot swallow subconciously and swallow incorectly which makes the pain worse.
Anyone with anything similar.


29-12-07, 18:48
Sounds like TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder...it's fairly commonly asscosicated to those of us with high anxiety...while you deal with the stresses and emotions related to your anxiety you may also wish to see a dentist to get a guard that will prevent you from grinding your teeth and damaging them at night.


29-12-07, 18:58
I get this. Right now I am feeling like I have pulled a muscle under my tongue (I know the tongue IS a muscle but you know what I mean!) I hate it and its making me really more anxious!

I have a mouth guard for night time, its quite good as it protects your teeth, but I cant say it stops the clenching/grinding as I believe that is a habit that we need to break mentally.

29-12-07, 19:06
Hi i think i subconsciously grind my teeth. there have been quite a few times when i have actually woke myself up during the night with the noise of the grinding.

29-12-07, 22:13
I tend to clench my teeth together, and also haunch up my shoulders. I try and do relaxation exercises every day to try and help this. I find a Total Body Scan exercise helps.

Jenny xxx

31-05-08, 13:24
hi there i seem to be doing this all the time dont no how to stop it any advice i get that pain when swallowing but dont no how to stop tensing my mouth and shoulders any advice is appreciated

31-05-08, 16:01
Its highly common for people when stressed to clench teeth and tougne etc. I found aspart of my getting better I had a point of conciously thinking about it and unclenching things ie my back was tense, teeth clenched, tounge.

When I do it I often get a ache in my head and jaw and my tougne would throb.

01-06-08, 03:04
I never knew I was grinding my teeth until I saw my new dentist and he told me how worn down my back molars are. I have since been fitted for a night guard and have been wearing it for a month. I am so amazed of how much I have already worn the back part of my guard. I am glad I am not doing that to my teeth anymore.

01-06-08, 04:13
Please get a mouth guard ASAP. I had to have a root canal because clenching/grinding your teeth will destroy the roots! They are not cheap though but well worth it in the long run.


02-06-08, 07:28
Yeah, Sounds Like TMJ to me.

DON'T google it, I did and got myself really worked up.

Just visit your dentist or GP :) I've now got a mouth guard for nights, I got TMJ because I grind my teeth in my sleep.

If you DO google it, it does bring up really bad things, but I spoke about my doctor with it and they take a long time to happen.

I already had TMJ about a year before going to the docs and nothing bad happened to me.

Just go to the docs/dentist and you'll be fine :)

Emz xx