View Full Version : here we are again

29-12-07, 22:46
hi i'm beck - i've suffered with anxiety, ocd and health anxiety since the age of 7 although i'd say it was classic ocd at that age followed by the latter but i was always a worrier!!!!

Thats worrier not warrior - I wish i had the courage and strength to be calm and peaceful. when people say you gotta chill out i laugh cos if i knew how - i would! Outwardly i'm bubbly and outgoing (even went to drama sch) but it belies whats going on in my head.

I have severe health anxiety - i feel like a resident at my doctors and I'm sure they've had enough of me!

I'd love to list my latest health concern but isn't that feeding my ocd's need for reassurance - constant re assurance.

My fear is that they'll always put my latest ailment down to anxiety and lets face it i have ocd so the what if? goes round in my head constantly.

I really suffered after having children as hormones seemed to bring it all out and i felt so awful. I had no idea others felt the same and the moment i realised i wasn't the only one - that seemed to help so much.

Anyway i'm struggling to know where to turn now so this site has always been helpful and here i am again.

thanks for reading this - little insight to little old me!

29-12-07, 23:34
Hello pinkdante:welcome: to you!

Ruddy female hormones eh? Never hear the chaps talk about hormones!

Glad you've already found the site to be helpful - and knowing you're not alone is quite a relief isn't it? I certainly found it to be so!!

Pleased to meet you!


29-12-07, 23:46
:yesyes: thank you - x

30-12-07, 01:24
Hi Beck,

Welcome to NMP.
My theory is that the more I put into using this Site and the wisdom/experience of it's members,the better my recovery will be.Do not worry about what anyone else thinks-that is matter which will always be outside our control.Give the best of yourself- one day at a time- to your recovery and your efforts will be rewarded in time.
Best wishes,

P.s.-As a man I tend not to talk about those hormones but I do live with 2 hormonal masses and I count my blessings that they are part of my life!

30-12-07, 10:52
Hi Beck,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

31-12-07, 02:01

31-12-07, 19:11
Hi Pinkdante and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Finding you have trouble relaxing doesn't mean you aren't courageous and please don't hesitate to post your worries as that's what we're here for.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-01-08, 19:09
Hi Pinkdante

I just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left as well for loads of tips and advice.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-01-08, 21:22
Hi Beck,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx