View Full Version : One sided chest/back spasm

29-12-07, 23:35
Last night i slept funnily on my right side with my left arm behind me caught under my husband so arms was pulled back and under alot of tension and woke up thinking I will probably suffer for this. Okay till lunchtime but did lots of housework in morning when I got a strange spasm type pain in chest wall behind left breast going round to my side and into back.My left arm also aches down to hand. If wasn't sharp at all just a intense burning tightning spasm. If I moved around it went away.It seems to be related to position of my shoulder blade. I of course immediately thought it was a heart attack! I have had the pain on and off all day and have no other symptoms so does it sound like I have strained things with my weird sleeping position. I injure very easily due to spinal problems.

30-12-07, 09:56
You know you have answered your own question, as must of us could do if only we could think rationally! You led funny, you are now suffering the effects of that.
Take care and sleep properly next time,LOL.