View Full Version : My weight loss journey 2008

geordie flower
30-12-07, 11:32
:) Hiya, Well come Jan 2nd 2008 I am starting my diet. A short background about myself - Over the last 3 years I have lost 7.5 stone going from 19st to 11.7 st :yesyes: which was fine for me as im 5ft 10 in. I even won a magzine comp for doing it and had an all expenses trip to London and a photo shoot and an article written in Top Sante health magazine with my before and after photos in. However in the last 6 months my anxiety has been quite bad and im a comfort eater so the result of this is me putting on 2.5 st!:weep: I worked really hard to lose the weight and I really dont want to go back again so as of jan 2nd 2008 im going to get back on track again. I lost weight before on my own because i cant afford to pay £ 4.95:lac: a week to go to a club so I just counted calories. What Im going to do is weigh myself once a week on a wed morning and post my weight loss weekly. If anyone would like to join me that would be great or just to offer words of advice or encouragement would be fab too!:yesyes: Wish me luck!!!! Love Tracey :flowers: x

30-12-07, 12:01
Oh I'd love to join you!

I lost 3 stone very quickly a couple of years ago with the side effects of Prozac! That was about the only good thing that happened that year!

But, because I lost it so quickly and so unhealthily, I've gained most of it back again! In the past couple of months I've been taking more exercise, but have barely lost a couple of pounds.

My biggest problem is work! I'm a nurse and we get given so many chocolates/biscuits etc. You get so hungry and they're just there and, well, you can imagine! I did manage to resist a huge cherry scone a visitor bought me yesterday......

That's amazing that you lost so much. You can definitely do it again!

Anyway, I'm trying to be on a diet so it would be really good to join you! 2.5 stone would suit me well :) and it would be helpful to share ideas.


xxx :flowers:

geordie flower
30-12-07, 13:19
:) Hiya thank so much for joining me I really pleased to have someone to share this with!:yesyes: Im really determined to do this I got down to a size 14 which was fine for me but now Im finding 16 a squeeze! its a horrible feeling when your clothes get too tight! :lac: Im going weigh myself on wed and post my starting weight on here :wacko: Im not looking forward to that :blush: but its gotta be done! Thanks again for the encouragement, keep in touch love Tracey :flowers: x

30-12-07, 14:01
hi tracy , im sitting here eating chocolate but will be back into my diet again for the new year ........
we have a long running thread somewhere on this where there are good tips ect .

now how can i get it on here for you ?

30-12-07, 14:29
Hi, I joined a slimming club in August after gaining an unmentionable amount of weight, I also lost over 3 stone a few years ago, but since suffering with this its all gone back on and of course,,, more
I am only 11 pound lighter than August, but if i wasnt going i would have been at least another stone heavier plus the 11 pounds.
After New year I hope to be able to knuckle down and post losses on this thread not gains, well done to everybody joining .xxx

30-12-07, 14:34
Just count the cals eh , if thats all i need to do count me in . look forward to seeing my stones come off. Happy new year to you and i wish you lots of luck with your diet.:yesyes:

30-12-07, 15:54
yep...count me in please...
i too can not afford to go to a class and pay weekly...i have put some more weight on over this xmas...think ive been comfort eating too.
i will be embarrased about putting my start weight up...but hey will go for it and give it a try along side you lot.

geordie flower
30-12-07, 17:04
:) Hiya thanks everyone for yor replies hopefully we'll be able to help each other along. Its stupid isnt it its not rocket science - you eat too much of the wrong foods you put weight on, you eat sensibily and healthy you lose weight! But how come its one of the hardest things to do!:wacko: I'm also not looking forward to posting my weight on wed :blush: but hey we all need a starting point. Im going to count calories as I did before, I allowed myself 1400 a day but my treat day is a saturday where I always have a takeaway :D I have to, the thought of it during the week keeps me going!

I'm aiming to lose 2 stone by the end of march which is roughly 2lb a week so that should be a sensible weight loss. If anyone has any tips to help us on our way then they would be most welcome :yesyes: .

I always make sure Ive got pots of low sugar readymade jellys that you get from the supermarket in my fridge they are made by rowntrees and they have under 10 calories a pot, Ive gotta a bit ov a sweet tooth so I find these are great. Thanks again love Tracey :flowers: x

30-12-07, 17:58
Hi, Im not putting my start weight up, can I still join, I will put losses and gains, and if drop sizes etc.

geordie flower
02-01-08, 10:32
:)Hiya, Well todays the day!!! Ive just weighed myself and Im 13st 12lb:lac:
Im feeling really positive about starting my healthy eating, Im hoping to lose 2 stone by the end of March. Please feel free anyone who wants to join me or share their experiences or just want a good moan about it :D . Im going to post my weight once a week I think thats a good incentive for me.
Good luck! love Tracey :flowers: x

02-01-08, 10:50
well i wish you every success:yesyes: i am 6 or 7 stones overweight and i despair to be honest:weep: i will try and join in but have been trying for years:wacko: ..you may just be my inspiration:D My son gets married in 6 months and i sooo dont wnt to be this huge at his wedding:ohmy: .love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

geordie flower
02-01-08, 11:03
:) Hiya Paddy, My incentive for losing weight 4 years ago was because my best friend asked me to be her chief bridesmaid :ohmy: and I couldnt face walking down the aisle being 19 stone knowing everyone was watching. I used to be a size 24 but I was down to an 18 on the wedding day and I felt great!:yesyes: Its good to have something to work towards and your sons wedding is just the thing. I wish you good luck and after the 1st week when you have a weight loss (becos you will) it inspires you to keep on going. Good luck and keep me posted love Tracey :flowers: x

02-01-08, 11:11
Hi, can I join too?

Just weighed myself and I'm 11 stone 10lbs :blush: I want to get down to 10stone or just below. Started my healthy eating 4 days ago now BUT I'm joining Weight Watchers on Monday cos I need someone to keep giving me a kick up the ass to keep going!

Good Luck everyone :D


geordie flower
02-01-08, 11:23
:) Hiya Kate, Ov course you can join in, if you've got any ideas or tips to share then please do! I think one of the best things I did when I lost weight was as my clothes were getting too big for me I gave them away (to my sister in law):D then I knew if I put weight on again I had nothing to wear and it was my own fault! Good luck and keep us posted love Tracey :flowers: x

02-01-08, 13:18
Hi Tracey,

Well Ive Pigged And Pigged Over Xmas..... I Lost Two Stone At Weight Watchers A Couple Of Years Ago, I Have Never Put It Back On...but Needed To Lose About Five Stone.....i Sick Of Being Fat And Forty.... Lol

So Can I Join In With You All

Lots Of Love Dawny Xxxxx

02-01-08, 13:37
thanks geordieflower:D i lost wieght years ago with weight watchers [like many here]a big operation and no exerise and giving up the evil weed..has seen me gain all this weight ..i eat compulsively..it is a huge issue with me:weep: But i will say i will try and join in with you all and ignore the scales [i have lymphoedema:mad: ]and go by my clothes..glad i found my 'big' jeans today..they fit rather nicely today..lol:wacko: .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

geordie flower
02-01-08, 15:32
:) Hiya All, Its great to have so much support from everyone! Ive also taken my chest, waist and hip measurements :wacko: this morning because I noticed when Id lost weight before the scales sometimes didnt say what I wanted them to :D but I did have some inch loss. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone and monitoring our achievements (hopefully!!) love Tracey :flowers: x

02-01-08, 17:36
im 14st4... its the heaviest ive ever been.(although always been fairly large)
its taken me all day to decide to give this a go...only because im scared of failing thats all...
there are so many things i want to change this year but dont think i should try and do it all at once.
ive changed my hair (cut and dyed) huge step for me... lol
was going to give up smoking but that can wait a while.
and i need to cut contact with my ex...
im going to calorie count i think , im on very limited budget at mo so can eat what the others are having just be careful...so my first question is where can i get a list of calories in food?
also i can then treat myself within reason... ive been comfort eating lately so the evenings will be hard but im going to give it my best shot, if i fail i will start again.

02-01-08, 21:25
:) Hiya All, Its great to have so much support from everyone! Ive also taken my chest, waist and hip measurements :wacko: this morning because I noticed when Id lost weight before the scales sometimes didnt say what I wanted them to :D but I did have some inch loss. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone and monitoring our achievements (hopefully!!) love Tracey :flowers: x

This is a really good idea....I don't need to lose weight at the mo split from my hubby last year best diet there is lol:D But i did go to weight**tchers and it is such a good idea to measure "your bits" as like you said it may not come off on the scales but it can shift a bit:)

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geordie flower
03-01-08, 11:36
:)Hiya, Bluesparkle thanks for joining us! you can buy a calorie counting book from most supermarkets they are about £2.99 or you could maybe get one from the library if your a member. Also if you buy a slimming magazine they sometimes give them away as a free gift especially this time of year. Your right tho if we do have a bad day or two and fall off the wagon :blush:then we can just get straight back on again its not the end of the world and we do still need our treats,:yesyes:Im so looking forward to my curry sat nite! Have you got a weight you want to get down to? Keep in touch love Tracey :flowers: x

03-01-08, 12:29
Yes I'm up for that too. Over the past year I have let the weight creep back on so I would love to join you. Haven't weighed myself for years so here goes.

Love Carol

geordie flower
03-01-08, 13:24
:)Hiya Carol, Thanks for joining us! :yesyes: Are you going to be brave and share your starting weight? No one needs that they feel they have to, I did it because I think that seeing it there in black and white staring back at me is a good incentive ha ha ha :D When I lost weight before I used to write in down in a little book, its a great feeling seeing it come off! :yesyes: Weekends are always the worst for me because Im in the house more and I love to pick! My kids got loads of sweets for xmas and are still munching their way through them so the tempatation is there but so far Ive managed to resist (altho I had more than my fair share before diet began! ) :D .

It would be interesting to hear what people are going to do to lose weight?
As Ive said before Im going to count calories 1400 a day and Im going to cut back on my drinking :wacko: Good luck love Tracey :flowers: x

03-01-08, 14:43
Hi Tracey just been on scales and weighing in at 12 stone 8. Would really like be 11 as I look quite slim at this weight so here goes.

Good luck everyone.


03-01-08, 14:45
i weighed myself today..16stone 12pounds 2 ounces..i have sobbed all day..:weep: :weep: :weep: i got told all you have to do is eat healthily and excercise ..if it were that easy no one would be fat!My mind seems to send me on me eating binges..i sit there apologising to myself and crying..but eating anyway!Is there ANYone else out there who feels there weight is caused by an eating disorder rather than a few too many treats,,i know this is not an eating disorder site but i would be interested to know if anyone else feels like me..out of control and in despair:ohmy: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-01-08, 15:05
Paddy hun now you have big hug and realise that you are gorgeous!!

The aim is to be comfortable in our own skins and I guess to be healthy.

Like Mirry says we had a good diet thread going last year that some of you may want to read incase there were tips on there that would be useful (look under threads started by Mirry).

I spent last year very slowly losing nearly 3 stone in total and do not want to put any of it back on. I was 13st in the summer of 2006 and most unhappy about the way I felt since I am and always have been very skinny. I managed to get down to 12st 7lbs by last Feb and from then onwards I have steadily lost little bit by little bit to get down to the 10st 4lbs that I am now.

So I will be joining this thread in order to keep at the weight I am now and pick up any good recipes along the way.

Love Piglet :flowers:

geordie flower
03-01-08, 15:20
:)Hiya Paddie, Im sorry you've had a bad day:weep:, I hope your feeling a bit better now. I remember when I started my diet I got on the scales and was stunned to see I weighed 19 stone :ohmy: I never felt the need to diet Id always been happy the size I was and hadnt been on the scales for years so really didnt have a clue wat weight I was, people always used to say " your tall so you can carry it" so I always thought okay then I must be fine! It was the thought of me dwarfing my best mate at her wedding walking down the aisle that gave me the kick up the bum I needed! :yesyes: I wont deny it wasnt hard work but it was so worth it thats why Im so mad with myself for slipping back again:mad:! But everyone needs a starting place, please dont beat yourself up over it, I hope you are okay take care love Tracey :flowers: x

Well done piglet :yesyes: I hope you continue with your success, its just as hard keeping it off as it is losing it isnt it! tke care love Tracey :flowers: x

geordie flower
03-01-08, 15:23
:)Hiya Carol, Are you going to weigh yourself weekly? Some people dont like to weigh themselves too often but I found once a week worked for me love Tracey :flowers: x

03-01-08, 15:25

I have to agree with Piglet you are goregous hun:hugs: , i havent weighed myself for a long time but im sure im around the 15-16 stone region. I actualy watched that programme on TV last night about the lady that was obese and boy what a brave lady she was, thats what a call a weight problem:ohmy: ! I could realy do to loose some weight and will be watching this thread with interest picking up tips etc, i was always a healthy 9 stone in my younger days.
I just seem to plod on with my weight problem although it dosnt really worry me, i know its not healthy but im a happy person but of course loosing a bit of weight would probably be the icing on the cake for me.



03-01-08, 17:38
no i dont have an idea weight that i want to get too... just to lose some of this would be good and would like to feel comfortable again...
not got off to a good start today though... but never will get up tomorrow and start again. i am determined not to give up...
i am going to calorie count ...what do you suggest the ammount to be... i am 5ft8 (not that that has probably got anything to do with it ) and i have a fairly active job... i hope to walk the dog at least once a day to help as i dont really exercise.

03-01-08, 20:23
Hiya, i posted a few days ago, since then i,ve had to see the asthma nurse as i have this irritating cough, i have one of those peak flow diary to fill in for the next 3wks, while i was there she weighed me and i weighed 77kgs which i think is around 12 st 1 lb,she has told me that i should think about watching what i eat.She recommend i lose 2st. So i will be cal counting/and get divina mc,call dvd on , if my daughter can do it so can i.:smile:

03-01-08, 21:15
I still cant bring myself to post my weight

03-01-08, 21:42
I'll join in. I managed to lose 30lbs in 2007. Well it was 33lbs but I gained 3lbs over christmas. My start weight is 255lbs, I weigh each Monday. I am a member of a diet website so will update any losses on here at the same time. I have alot of weight to lose. I must admit I was losing well last year until I started on the medication for my PAs and I seem to have slowed down.

04-01-08, 08:36
Can I join in too please? Have been going to Weight Watchers for about 10 weeks and up to just before Christmas had lost 1st 3lbs which brought me down to 15st. I go back to WW on Tuesday so will see how much I have put on in the past couple of weeks :ohmy:

My biggest problem is I use food as a reward and comfort - I do something and think I deserve a treat and that is food, or I get down and fed up and try and cheer myself up with food. Certainly not helped at moment as have had horrid cold/cough since Christmas Day and yesterday just when I started to feel better I started a period - (I'm starting menopause and this was first one in 7 months - really had thought I'd seen back of them!!)


geordie flower
04-01-08, 10:27
:) Hiya All, Good Luck to everyone whos joining in with the weight loss club!!! :yesyes:
To bluesparkle I think eating 1500 calories a day is best for losing weight. Ive read that a woman needs 2000 cals a day to maintain a steady weight so 1500 will result in a sensible loss. I never deny myself any food as along as I count the calories for example you can have a mars bar if you want to but its around 300 calories, so maybe go for a funsize instead around 100 calories (easier said than done I know ha ha ha ) No one can deny that it isnt easy but I'll never forget the feeling I felt when I tried a pair of jeans on in dorothy perkins and a size 14 fit me lovely ( I actually text 5 of my mates fom the changing room to tell them :wacko: ) when I used to be a size 24. Im a tight 16 at the minute and I want that feeling back again! Good luck everyone and please keep in touch I find everyones replies really inspireing and hopefully we are all helping each other. Love Tracey :flowers: x

geordie flower
04-01-08, 10:29
:) Hiya, I meant to say for those that dont want to post their weight then please if you can post us any loss that you have!:yesyes: It will be great to hear love Tracey :flowers: x

04-01-08, 23:37
So how's it all going?

I'm doing ok I think.....not sure really! But have been doing better. I am terrible at work - we get given so many biscuits, chocolates etc etc. I have had a few, but massively less than I usually would. Also having much healthier lunches than I was before Xmas, so we shall see.

I'm thinking it's time I got some decent food scales so I know exactly how much I'm taking in.

Love the low-cal jelly idea! They are really nice! I've been trying using Philadelphia extra light instead of butter....hope that's a good thing!

Good luck!

xxx :flowers:

05-01-08, 00:24
Hiya Tracey, thanks I will post my gain on Wed, the first weigh in of the year, then after that, will post my losses, and when I get to my ideal 9stone, I will post my original, dont hold your breath, lol.xxx

geordie flower
05-01-08, 10:32
:) Hiya, Well Im doing ok (except from a stray crunchie that found its way into my mouth :mad: ) Other than that Ive been good! The jellies are nice arent they, I also just made little easy changes to my diet lile buying lower fat versions of what I always bought, obviously they do taste slightly different but your tastebuds do adjust. My favourite at the minute are skinny cow chocolate chip ice cream bars/lollies they are yummy! They only have around 80 cals in an are fat free :yesyes: unfortunately my kids love them too so ive gotta hide them, you can buy them in most supermarkets I get mine in Asda. They also come in mint choc chip and strawberry. :yesyes:
Well its takeaway nite tonite and Im gonna realy enjoy it, and im gonna have a nice bottle of wine too! After all, all diet and no treats makes Tracey a dull girl ha ha ha :D Good luck everyone love Tracey :flowers: x

05-01-08, 10:42
Count me in too I need to get weight off i lost and put back on again..
Cant really afford ww etc. But i will start today and post weight loss every week.
Good luck everyone

07-01-08, 09:57
I'm having a good start to the year. I have lost 4lbs this week. So the christmas gain has gone and an extra pound.
Start weight 255lbs, Jan 7th 251lbs.

07-01-08, 10:11
Well I weighed myself this morning and seem to have shed a couple of pounds. I do have very cheap scales, so I'm not sure that I entirely believe them.

Anyway - am pleased for now :)


miss motown
07-01-08, 23:13
hi can i join too ive started my diet today weighedmyself and im 10st 6 im hoping to get down to my 9st 4 by august so joining in here will be fun and we can give each other tips

geordie flower
08-01-08, 19:25
Hiya, Well done those of you who have lost weight :yesyes: And a warm welcome to those who are joining us in this journey! I have got my 1st weigh in in the morning :wacko: Ive been quite good just a couple of little blips with a crunchie chocolate bar and a bottle of chardonnay but hey Ive gotta have a treat! Oh and there was my takeaway on sat night which I really enjoyed and I always make sure I have because the thought of having it keeps me going through the week! :D I hope to have lost 2lb anyone would be great, Im aiming to lose 2 stone by the end of march, Im going on a hen weekend in Blackpool :yesyes: then so thats my incentive. I was wondering if anyone else had an incentive to lose weight? Good luck everyone and i'll post my weightloss (hopefully) tomorrow love Tracey :flowers: x

09-01-08, 08:03
I went back to Weight Watchers last night and was stunned that I had only put on 1/2lb - amazing as I have eaten exactly what I wanted (including quite a lot of chocolate!) for the last 2.5 weeks!

So this morning I am back on the diet - I want to get down to 11stone and see how I feel - so have 4stone & 1/2 lb to loose - it's going to be a long journey I think but will get there.

Good luck to everyone else this week.


09-01-08, 09:48
hi, hope you dont mind me joining in, well done everyone that has lost weight, well last june i was 16stone, im now down to 14stone 10lbs , but still got a long way to go. good luck everyone.

love sandy xxx

09-01-08, 11:06
Hi Ladies, (would have included gents, but most the ones i know couldn't care less what the scales say as long as they can still pull the zip on their trousers up). You can count me in, i've just blown the dust off my scales and weighed myself fully expecting the needle to stop at about 10.5 stone at the most, so was horrified when it sped past and stopped just over 12 stone. Can't believe i have let it creep up so high. I would love to lose 1.5 - 2 stone for my parents surprise 40th wedding anniversary party i am throwing them, but as that is on the 19th Jan that boat has well and truly sailed so i will aim for wearing shorts and not scaring the kids on the beach this year. Thankfully i am not a chocoholic, though the quality street is to tempting for it's own good so my hubbie has taken out all my favorites and left me the coffee and nut ones:emot-puke: eughh!!!. My big downfall is crisps (asdas own cheese and onion and salt and vinegar - even thinking about them makes my mouth water!! and toast - i love weight watchers brown bread toasted till it's black then let it go cold so it's nice and crispy smothered in lurpac -the only consolation i have is that at least it's weight watchers :yesyes: ). I have no will power at all so don't expect miracles, am just hoping that the weekly humiliation of being the only one going up instead of down will spur me on !!!. It doesn't help that i spend most of the day on here, so if i could just get my hubbie to fix the keyboard to the front of my exerciser i would be well away.

Jacq x

geordie flower
09-01-08, 11:59
:) Hiya, Hows everyone doing? I weighed myself this morning and Ive lost 2lb :yesyes: which im really happy with! Except my hubby has joined me too and he has lost 7lb :mad: mind his starting weight ws 17st 13lb so he really needed to do something about it, I just told him that he had a bigger loss cos he has more than me to lose :D Im not really jealous honest!
Im glad there are so many of us doing this it really does give me a boost reading peoples posts and seeing how they are doing. Im making chicken and veg soup for dinner its really tasty (even hubby loves it!) and is filling and low in fat and calories :yesyes: This is the recipe:-

2 TEASPOONS OF CHICKEN STOCK GRANUALS (you can buy it in a tin from asda etc)

Chop your chicken up into cubes and cook in a little oil until browned then put to one side.
Dice all the veg into fairly small pieces and boil them all together in a large pan for 30 mins, add the chicken stock cubes and chicken stock to the veg and boil it for 2 mins. I then use my hand blender to whizz it into quite a smooth soup but not too runny,( if you prefer a thicker soup then you dont have to blend it up) then add the cooked chicken and boil it again for about 3 mins until the chicken is heated through. Then serve, you can make a big pan of it and freeze some if you want.

Well thats my recipe for today, it really is easy, low fat,filling and very tasty! :yesyes:
If any one else has any recipes to share I would love to hear them I love cooking, Good luck every one love Tracey :flowers: x

10-01-08, 00:28
well I got weighed today, at slimming world, I have gained 2 and a half pound over the 3 weeks holidays, I can live with that, would have been 2 and a half stone if I wasnt going no doubt, next Wed I will post a loss, well done to all of you here.xxx

11-01-08, 06:52
Hey Tracey - I would love to join in too. I lost over 4 stone in the last 2 years and then let myself go to pot over the winter (Im in NZ). Am aiming for 2 stone loss by March/April as well - lets all do it together!!

Will post losses on a Wed as well so we can share.

This should make it a bit more fun lol.


11-01-08, 10:30
ok confession time...
i have messed up already on the first week :blush:
and have gained...
but i am NOT going to give up...
but i wont be posting my weight this week but will start again.

11-01-08, 12:03
i went along to slimming world last night and put on 1LB .

Im not very happy about it cos ive been a angel all week , but i am due on , so wonder if this is why . I was sooooo dissapointed.

11-01-08, 12:22
Awwwww don't worry - a pound can be lost again! And I tend to weigh more around the time of my period too - I think you tend to retain fluid etc.

I was doing well - lost about 5 pounds :yesyes: (but I started at Xmas so a bit before you guys). Yesterday however, might have spoilt it all! I was on a course in a posh hotel with free food :ohmy: I did well at lunch - didn't finish my plate and had no pudding etc, but then I grazed on sweets and cake for the rest of the afternoon. So, not looking forward to stepping on the scales again!

Well done Geordie and everyone else - you're doing great! :yesyes:

xxx :flowers:

11-01-08, 13:17
Ok How Much Is A Stone We Use Only Pounds Here ...i Swallowed A Stone And Look Like A Boulder In Belly From Ibs Not Kidding....when Yas Say I Lost This Many STONES And This Many Pounds I Dont Get It Sorry I Think 14 Lbs(pounds) Is 1 Stone Is That Right?????

geordie flower
11-01-08, 14:07
Hiya, yes there are 14lb in a stone :D x

geordie flower
11-01-08, 14:18
:) Hiya All, Well the weekends approaching and I find this time a bit of a struggle with food, I think its because Im not at work and just slobbing around the house :blush: and I get a bit lazy, the kids are usually playing outside ( yes even in this freezing weather - why dont they ever feel the cold!) I get bored and then eat! :weep: . I only live a 5 min walk from the beach so I might drag them with me for a walk this weekend ( I bet they feel the cold then lol :D ) and blow the cobwebs away! Im also having a night out in town with my best mate on sat so thats gonna be my treat time I cant wait! :yesyes:

How does anyone else cope with boredom eating???

Good luck everyone take care love Tracey :flowers: x

11-01-08, 14:33
If I'm bored I tend to try and find something to do, go out or even exercise. It takes my mind off wanting to eat.

I do find it more difficult at the moment since I list my job so I have plenty of time on my hands. Looking for a new job but finding that difficult as not many companies are taking on at the moment. There seems to be more work out of town but I don't feel able to travel out of town at present.

11-01-08, 14:35
Oooh tricky one.

I'm more of a boredom smoker than a boredom eater - which is probably worse!

Well I like the low calorie jelly thing - that's pretty good. I suppose also having lots of fruit around that doesn't need much preparation helps, or even dried fruit that you can snack on.

Savoury - how about Ryvita? I know it's a bit like cardboard but then you don't have as much. Also babybel light/laughing cow light portions are nice and don't contain many calories. I'm a ham fan too - if you get wafer thin then it's only 28 cals in 5 slices which isn't bad.

I'll try to think of some more!

xxx :flowers:

16-01-08, 08:30
Oh well its wednesday , just got on the scales and found that ive put a 1LB on lol but have been a bad girl this week , so going to be a good girl from now on. hope everyone else has done better.

love Sandy xxx

16-01-08, 09:47
Just noticed I haven't posted about my weigh-in this week. A 1lb gain this week.

16-01-08, 11:27
Went to Weight Watchers last night and had lost 3lb :D which means I have now lost a total of 19lbs and now weigh 14st 11lb.

I'm a boredom (and comfort) eater & smoker so not much help for me!


16-01-08, 11:31

Despite my enormous Chinese meal with wine at the weekend, I've still managed to lose another 3lb. I think this is mainly stess related though :shades:

xxx :flowers:

geordie flower
16-01-08, 11:34
:) Hiya, Ive lost 3lbs this week :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: im so pleased!!! Ive been good and I still had my treat night on sat ( 3 pints of cider, a bottle of wine and some dodgy looking shots in little glasses oh and a pepperoni pizza!) :blush: I really enjoyed them and had a great night altho not such a good sunday I felt rough all day :wacko:. Hubby hasnt done so well hes put 4lb back on :D Its his own fault tho he only lasted a week then went back to his old ways.
Hope everyones doing ok and for those who are struggling abit please dont give up, it really is worth going on :hugs:
Take care love Tracey :flowers: x

geordie flower
16-01-08, 11:37
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: Well done dying swan thats fab! Me too 3lb loss, lts hope we can keep it up! :D love Tracey :flowers: x

geordie flower
16-01-08, 12:55
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: Well done kathy 3lb loss thats great! And 19lbs loss is fantastic I love hearing peoples successes it spurs me on! Ive done it before and I know I can do it again :) love Tracey :flowers: x

17-01-08, 14:52
Can I join in guys.I weigh 15.11 and would like to get down to 12 stone.I'm going to count calories and do a bit of running if I can muster up the energy.Good luck to everyone.:)

geordie flower
18-01-08, 14:09
Hiya Goldfish :D Ov course u can join us. It nice to have so many people up for doing this I think we can inspire each other and help each other along. I found that counting calories works for me too, then u can incorporate what u want into your diet as along as you count the calories. Ive had a good couple of weeks I hope I can keep it up! My work trousers definately feel a bit looser than they were! :D But its the weekend now and thats when I struggle abit :wacko: but here goes! Im going out for a meal with my hubby and my mam and dad on sat night for my dads birthday and Im gonna enjoy myself, its my diet night off so I cant wait! :yesyes:

Good luck and take care, please keep us posted with your successes!!!
Love Tracey :flowers: x

18-01-08, 15:03
Hi tracey, just want 2 say hope you have a lovely night on sat, and happy birthday 2 your dad...

love sandyjane xxx

21-01-08, 09:35
The pound I gained last week has left me this week :)

23-01-08, 08:59
hope everyone is well and being good lol, well the 1lb i put on last week , ive now lost , so thats good just wished i had lost a few more lbs .

love Sandyjane xxx

geordie flower
23-01-08, 11:14
:):) Hiya well ive lost another 3lb this week and im over the moon :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: I didnt expect it because I had a naughty weekend with going out for my dads birthday, we had a lovely meal then Baileys cheesecake for dessert :blush: but I did manage to get out for a couple of walks with the kids. Hows everyone else doing? Well done Sandy for your loss remember any loss is a loss!
Good luck everyone and please let us all know how you are all doing :yesyes:
Love Tracey :flowers: x

23-01-08, 11:50
Well done Tracey - another 3lb that is great. Unfortunately I put 2lb on this week though it wasn't a surprise as I have not dieted really at all this week - been really down so have just eaten. I've had a cold/cough bug since Christmas Day and the cough is still horrid - had started to feel better and then got worse again so now on antibiotics but so miserable with it and cough is waking me at night so for last 3 nights only had around 4-5hrs sleep so shattered.

Fingers crossed antibiotics will kick in soon and I will start to feel better and then get motivated to start diet properly again.


23-01-08, 16:26
Well done on the weight loss Flower.:) Keep it up.

23-01-08, 16:44
Hi Guys

Haven't been arround for a while but would love to join you all on this thread.

I joined weight watchers 2 weeks ago. I was (OMG can't believe I'm telling people this :ohmy:) 17 stone 8. I'm now 17.

Well done to you all so far, you are such an inspiration to keep going when things get tough

27-01-08, 12:37
Well done Geordie that's great :yesyes:

Well done everyone else too.

I'm not sure what's going on - only thinking I might need to buy some new scales! One day I seemed to have regained 3lb, next day it had gone again :shrug:

I do well out of work. In work, it's a disaster. I try so hard but it's impossible! It's been very busy this last week and the only thing you get time to eat is the chocolates sitting on the side :blush: I take banana's in but leave them in my bag. I think I might try leaving them closer to hand and see if I can grab a banana instead of a Ferrero Rocher :winks:

We keep getting loads of cereal bars donated, but you end up eating about 4 in a shift which isn't good!

Oh well, I'll keep trying :blush:

xxx :flowers:

geordie flower
27-01-08, 13:39
:flowers:Hiya, Hows everyone doing? Ive been doing really well lately until last night :wacko: I had a night out in town with my friends and had far too much to drink! Then to end the night we got pizza and chips :weep: At the time I just thought sod it but today Im beating myself up over it! I know saturdays my treat day but I just made a pig out of myself, Id had my tea before I went out so I wasnt even hungry I just ate it for the sake of it! (altho it was very nice):winks:
Im going to have to be really good for the next few days so then hopefully I'll have at least lost a pound on wed wen I weigh myself.
Well I hope everyone else is doing ok and better than me lol :D
Take care love Tracey :flowers: x

27-01-08, 14:59
i know im a bit late but i would like to join the plan aswell. my starting weight this morning was 16st 13lb i want to initially get to 15 stone as i am quite a stocky bloke anyway i will post my weights sunday ,mornings , oh well weetabix for my lunch lol...

29-01-08, 10:44
Oh im soooooo fed up. i ve put weight on again and yet im being really good, never been this good before , im countin my calories (never done this before) also ive been using my keep fit dvd for 30 mins aday, plus im now trying to walking the dog for longer, and for all this the weights just going on, its so getting me down , just dont know what else to do...

Love Sandyjanexxx

29-01-08, 12:21
I'm really struggling this week - not sure much point going to get weighed tonight as i know I will have put more back on. Won't help that hubby has just gone out to get sausage and chips for lunch. Feeling down at moment and always struggle with eating when feeling like this.


29-01-08, 13:17
Yesterday I ate a Chocolate Croissant AND loads of chips...lol. Not expecting positive news from the scales.

I'm going swimming later so hopefully that will help :yesyes:

Keep it up folks you're all doing really well

xxx :flowers:

29-01-08, 16:22
I wish everyone that is doing this the best of luck.

No, it's not rocket science but it certainly is way more mental than physical..at least in my opinion.

I will not join in this friendly competition as I am out of control w/my weight loss. I don't know my weight in stones, but I am 118lbs..probably less than that as I no longer want to weigh myself unless I have actually eaten and then I get paranoid that I have gained a pound and I weigh myself probably 6 times that day.

I finally had to admit to my husband that it takes me 3 or 4 days to eat 1200 calories, and 5 days to eat 50grams of fat. It's embarrassing and I am ashamed...as I have been doing this w/out anyone's knowledge. My oldest daughter and I are the same size clothing, and I get the comments from her that I don't look healthy, but honestly when I look in the mirror I see ALL my flaws.

I guess my point in posting this is that weight loss truly is a mental game, and to all of you that are trying to lose weight please don't let it rule your life like it has me. I know it can be done the healthy way, but I don't have the willpower to do it. BUT you all can do it and I hope it all goes well.

I am thoroughly ashamed for even posting this, but if it will grab anyone's attention then I am grateful!

geordie flower
29-01-08, 19:20
:) Hiya, Well tomoros my weigh in day and Im not looking forward to it cos Ive been a bit naughty over the weekend :blush: But hey ho onwards and upwards!!!
Big hugs to those of us who are finding it a bit tough at the minute :hugs: but at least the weather will be changing soon ( hopefully) and with the nicer weather I find it easy to eat healthier becuse Im not craving warm, filling comfort food :winks: .
Take care and good luck everyone, I' ll post my results tomorrow :emot-pray: love Tracey :flowers: x

geordie flower
30-01-08, 15:12
Hiya, Well I weighed myself this morning and my weight has stayed the same as last week! :ohmy: I was hoping to have even lost a pound but I havent. I did have a mega blowout at the weekend so Ive only got myself to blame but I did have a fab night out on sat :D.
I also done my measurements because it is a month since I started my diet and I have actualy lost an inch from my bust, an inch from my waist and an inch from my hips :yesyes: So that cheered me up a abit. So in 4 weeks Ive lost 8lbs and 3 inches which Im happy with.
Hows everyone else doing?
Take care love Tracey :flowers: x

30-01-08, 15:38
Well done tracey - I know you didn't lose this week but you didnt' gain either!That's great - especially the inch loss - I must do that meant to measure myself when I started the diet but couldn't find the tape measure - other half found it yesterday under a pile of stuff on the desk - so no excuse now!

Not doing too well here on dieting front - didn't go to WW last night as couldn't face it - feeling down at moment which means I struggle with diet - but hopefully will be back on track in next few days.


30-01-08, 18:05
well done Tracey ,

Dont worry kathy im sure you will get back into it soon girl.

as for me i ve put on and i ve been really good , so im so fed up with it, i want to give up, but im not going 2

Love Sandyjanexxx

31-01-08, 03:40
Hi all, last posted about this thread on the 30th dec. I,m cal counting, and ok it,s been 31 days now but have lost 7lbs that,s 1/2 a stone:yesyes:I,m so pleased with myself, never thought it would be this easy , just a stone and a 1/2 to go :yesyes::yahoo:

geordie flower
31-01-08, 08:14
:) Hiya, Well done Domino 7lb thats fab:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: . I count calories as well, I find this the easiest way to do it because then you can eat what you like as long as you count it! :D
I've been weighing myself weekly for the last month but I've decided to do it every 2 weeks from now.
Take care and good luck everyone love Tracey :flowers: x

03-02-08, 10:27
Hi guys, weighed in this morning and stayed the same, i am a little dissapointed by that but also i have started more training and sports so i feel better and must be building muscle so i guess i stck to it i will eventually start and see the loss, Hope you all do well this week see you next sunday.

Flinty xx

05-02-08, 09:23
Hi everyone hope ur all doing well,
ive lost the weight i put on last week and plus another 1lb,but its pancake day today and i love them lol think i better do twice as long on my keep fit dvd today ...

Love Sandyjanexxx

07-02-08, 00:25
Hey all :hugs:

I don't think I've lost any more! I gained a little, then lost it again. I will check in the morning. But people keep saying I look as though I've lost weight, which helps boost the old confidence :)

I've had to start on a new medication today. I avoided it for as long as possible, but my surgeon has told me I now have to promise to take it :blush: Downside is that it often causes weight gain :mad: but he said that I may put on a couple of kilos, but it's only fluid and it goes away again.

Keeping my fingers crossed! Well done everyone, you're all doing great!

xxx :flowers:

07-02-08, 07:32
Did anyone see the news today ,
it said genes play a bigger part in us having weight problems more than they thought. But diet makes the matter even worse.

Knew I should be slimmer than i am , cos i eat well, and my family have weight issues. Only 1 stone too loose to be in my healthy range again (sigh).

07-02-08, 09:28
Took me a while to get started with the diet but I am now eating healthy and have lost 3 pounds so am quite pleased with that. Well done everyone.


geordie flower
12-03-08, 14:19
:D Hiya all,
Hows everyone doing on their weightloss? Ive been abit up and down and havent posted for a while but hopefully Im back on track now. My starting weight on jan 2nd was 13st 12lb and now Im 12st 13lb :yesyes: Ive also lost 3.5 inches! I had a bad couple of weeks in feb and just gave up on myself :weep: But now the weathers changing for the better I feel better in myself and am looking forward to buying myself some new (hopefully smaller) summer clothes.
Good luck to those still continuing with their weightloss, its a long journey but I know we'll all get there! :hugs:
love Tracey :flowers: x