View Full Version : irregular heartbeats (ectopics ) and more

30-12-07, 13:40
:weep: hi everyone im new here, my names liz im 22 and for the last 5 months suffered with ectopic heartbeats i had a 24 hr holter monitor the other week and the dr prescried beta blockers for ectopics, he said they were non cardiac and down to stress, i have my own battery operated blood pressure wrist band and u can hear ur heart beating with each beep on the monitor, sometimes it beeps fast, sometimes slow sometimes irregular, its driving me quacky thinking im gonna have a heart attack at any second :(:(:(

Rachey poos
30-12-07, 15:03
I Have this too... it is stress ... i had them for 2 yrs constant and have been without them for 11 yrs and now they are back... it is very frightening... i get them after i have eaten and when i am hungry and also when i am stressed and exert myself they start.... i hate it...i take my pulse and it misses but yet i can fell a beat in the chest.....eptopic!!! i actualy am feelin a little better due to the support from this site... keep reading posts and pop into chat in the eve.... so many with the same ..there is also a thread dedicated to the subject in the syptoms part... read it...it will help...feel free to private message me if you want to .x

30-12-07, 16:24
hi Liz,

I first got these at the beginning of november and i have never been so scared. I honestly thought i was going to die very soon, the agitation i got with them too was awful. my doctor listened to my heart, lungs, exmined me really well, i had an ecg...and all clear!

I was given beta blockers, which i now only take when im out of my mind, thankfully not very often now, but it was concluded that these were due to anxiety and i get alot of other nasty symptoms when i let it take over...im doing quite well in coping.

I find mine are worst when im due on due to changing hormone levels, when im very tired (i have a baby girl so thats quite alot!) and when i forget to breathe, shopping today was a nightmare...got so stressed and they started, very unpleasant, but just tell myself im ok, practice breathing techniques and try to relax, and then they seem so subside, still there occasionally.

Hope you feel better asap...you're ok, you're not going to die for a very long time yet!

Cassi xxx

30-12-07, 21:23
hey thanks for the replies, nice to know people know what im going through do you guys get dizzy and breathless? im reathless all the time! i have a 10 month old son and sometimes im scaed to hold him in case i pass out or summat :(

30-12-07, 21:49
Yep, I get all of that, I wonder if you're like me and your breathing/dizzies are due to hyperventilating , have you looked up some of the posts regarding breathing ?
Best wishes

31-12-07, 13:07
I'll do that now ty hunni, the thing is wen i first started noticing the breathlessness i was not stressed or panicky now i think that thought has worried me more like there must b summmit wrong nuts i know xxx
happy new yr everyone one free from anxiety we hope

31-12-07, 19:19
im having horrific palps at the mo, goig out to a party...why cant i go one day without any stupid symptoms...gggrrr.

feels like they just take my breath away when they happen, feel it in my throat...anyone else?