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26-02-05, 14:52
Hi there, im so glad ive found you! Can anyone help with any "tricks" on how to deal with panic attacks? Im 36 and having them so out of the blue, at home, at work now i get rapid heartbeat, sweating, shivering with cold, nausea, very nervous feeling, needing the bathroom quick, they last for AGES and i just dont know how to cope, im getting panicky just thinking about maybe getting another, please help Helen

26-02-05, 15:10
Hiya Helen

Welcome to the forum

Have you read this post yet ....

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

There are some great tips in there for starting to overcome panic etc.

Also get yourself some Rescue Remedy as that will take the edge of the panic.

Look forward to hearing more from you and trying to help.


26-02-05, 15:27
Hi Helen

Welcome to the site, its great here. You will get loads of support and so many off us that know just how you are feeling.

Its a viscious circle when you start worrying about another panic attack coming on as it seems that is all you think about. But dont forget however horrible the panic attacks are they dont last forever and you arent permanently going to feel like this.

Love to hear more from you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

26-02-05, 16:09
hi Helen welcome to the site. We a;;know the frrling and its not easy to get rid of them but it does happen. Its slow but u do get better. Good relaxation is real good but u must keep it up even when u feel ok. I also found affermations help me while relaxing to, but everyone reacts different to different things. A real good book that helped me too was Essential Help for your nerves by Claire Weekes, Its all her books put into one it has 400 pages but well broke up and easy to read in bits at a time. Hope this is of some help and good luck. Vernon

26-02-05, 16:32
Hi Helen,

Welcome. It very unlikely that you are *having them so out of the blue*.

Its more likley to be the fear of the fear that is precipitating them as you go on to mention * im getting panicky just thinking about maybe getting another*

Do have a good read up about them . The above book is really worthwhile .

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
More thoughts : Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)
Hypogly Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)

If you still think they are totally out of the blue then you might want to make an appt to see your doctor if you haven't doen so recently and have a round of routine blood tests to rule out any associated illnesses.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

26-02-05, 16:52
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find it very helpful not sure there are tricks for dealing with it but keeping busy and distracting yourself when you feel one coming might help also get some rescue remedy that might calm you

fan x

26-02-05, 17:34
Hiya Helen,

I had very bad panic attacks at one time. I now just have anxiety symptoms. The odd panic tries to rear its ugly head now and again, but I can manage to stop it.
After reading books by Claire Weekes and reading posts from this forum, I learned that many, many people get them in the same way with the same symptoms.
On realising this, I realised that they cant hurt me!
So the next time one came, I just told myself that it wasnt going to do me any harm and it would soon go.
The amazing thing is.....it did....and does every time. It doesnt worry me anymore.
I get new symptoms happening..I did today...but I try telling myself that its just a new symptom trying to scare me again.
Next time it happens, tell yourself this. Tell the panic to 'come and do its worse, because 'you cant hurt me'

Go through this a couple of times and you wont be scared anymore because it always goes away and you return to normal.

I dont know wether you will have the courage to do this. It is scary, but it does work. Give it a try

Jude x

26-02-05, 18:07
Hi helen and welcome to the forum, you will get lots of help and support here and everyone is very friendly. There is no miracle cure but they do get easier as time goes on. Rescue remedy is good, i still carry it everywhere with me just in case.

Have you seen a doctor about them? Mine got better after starting medication but I always tried to cope on my own as I was scared of the side effects of the meds but glad I took them but this option is not for everyone and they are not a miracle cure as I still get the odd one when I am really stressed or tired or after drinking alcohol.

Take care
Love Lisaxxx

26-02-05, 19:50

Welcome to the forum. There is a lot of support & help here, people are friendly. You are definitely not alone.
Are you having any treatment at the moment?

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

26-02-05, 22:57
Hi Helen,

Something I find that helps is reading books on the subject. I find that it helps when your feeling anxious at home to read a book that tells you your going to be OK and explains why etc.
The same applies to depression, I get strength by reading self-help books on the subject.
I confess I do love books though. [:o)]


Japanese Proverb:
Fall seven times; stand up eight.

26-02-05, 23:13
Hi Helen

Just a quick hello to see how you are getting on

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

26-02-05, 23:43
Hi Helen

Welcome to the site, you have come to the right place

Take care

Elaine x

28-02-05, 10:37
thank you all so much, it really helps to know youre here, i went shopping earlier and got some rescue remedy to try. No i havent been to the GP perhaps i will. The funny thing is for the last 2 years ive had stress, family illness etc etc , just now things are going ok, perhaps its delayed stress! Thanks once again Helen xxxxxx