View Full Version : light headed/spacy question again!

31-12-07, 07:23
I Read In The Symptoms Area Of The Website That The Light Headed Or Spacy Feelings Are Caused By Hyperventilating
My Question Is....i Dont Hyperventilate But I Get The Spacy Or Lightheaded Feelings All Throughout The Day On A Daily Basis

I Am 90% Sure That All My Symptoms Are Anxiety And Not Physical Problems Because My Anxiety Was Triggered By Marijuana Panic Attacks (i Quit) But Now I'm Left With Anxiety So I'm Sure My Anxietywas Triggered By Those Attacks

With That Being Said I'm Almost Positive I'm Physically Healthy But Since I Dont Hyperventilate I Dont Know Why I Still Get The Light Headed Feelings

Long Question Short....do You Guys Get The Light Headed Spaced Out Feelings Even Though You Arent Hyperventilating At The Time
As I Do.....
Sorry For The Long Explanation...lol

31-12-07, 08:55
yes absolutely , I get light headed without hyperventalating ...

the hospital made me hyperventalate on purpose , i had to blow in and out for nearly 2 mins and i was fine , that to me proved it.

But now they find i have a inner ear problem , which causes lightheaded problems too :shrug: .

31-12-07, 10:13
Hello :)

Yesssss I get this too. I don't think I am a hyperventilator, but I often get 'spaced out' feelings all day which I can't shake. It almost feels as though you're drunk, or in a dream.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's much you can do about it, other than to keep going about what you normally do and try to distract yourself. I do find it vanishes when I'm not anxious.

Take care xxx :flowers:

31-12-07, 10:35

Ive had this really badly for the last two months so I went to the docs. They have sent me for blood tests to see if its anaemia or thyroid probs but basically they think its probably just the underlying anxiety.

I dont really hyperventilate and havent felt obviously anxious but I reckon it might be symptoms of chronic migraine/tension headache (which I do get sometimes anyway).

Dont know if ur on meds but might be worth checking its not a side effect?


31-12-07, 11:33
I get this alot too, and it is just stresss I am sure. I suffer with inner ear probs, I seem to be suceptible to giddiness, ear ache, feeling like I am walking on foam etc, but think it s all stress related, most things are I reckon.
I do not have major probs with hyperventilating, tho my breathing gets all out of sync at times, but I still get the heady feeling.
My Mum sent me a text last night saying, when you panic, ''go with it''..... then it will pass quicker.
Best of luck.xxx

31-12-07, 12:14
Hello ,

A Lot of the lightheadness is due to two main things 1 ) a tired mind desperatlly needing to rest , this can somtimes be eased by a lie down to do some relaxation , if you cant manage that close your eyes for a few moments and take some deep slow breaths in and out , even though physically you may be well rested our minds tend to be exausted so bear that in mind

2) Lack of sugar , we tend to burn off sugar very fast when we have anxiety, hence the need for 4 or 5 small meals per day as oppsosed to 3 large ones , try a cup of tea and a biscuit that may help give you that extra bit of help you need.

Above all remember non of these symptoms are harmfull and will pass given time .

Happy new year and good health for 2008
