View Full Version : ears

31-12-07, 15:25
Hi to all. I have been suffering from health anxiety for 3 years now. The biggest play of my anxiety had always been to my ears; plugged or ring when I am in great anxiety. But now almost for a month, I have been suffering from the fullness of my left air. I had seen two different ENT doctors for several times this month, and both have said that there was no wrong with my ear and I am eshamed to visit them again and again.I do not think anything else but this fullness. I notice it as soon as I wake up till I go to bed. While I was googling I found this site and read some of your comments re:ear. And realised that everyone feeling this weird feeling is suffering from his/her left ear. Do you also think that this cannot be coincidence? Can this left ear be stressed related?

31-12-07, 17:47
I have had ringing in my right ear for about a year now. I have mentioned it at the doctors before but they have not really seemed concerned. I dont know if its anxiety or TMJ as I also get fullness in my ears, my jaw joint is sometimes sore and i feel as if someone is pulling downwards both sides of my jaw. The more I think about it, the louder the ringing gets. Also get numbness behind my nose.
I would not be concerned, if you are anxious you will be tensing your jaw without being aware of it and it may just be this causing the feelings you describe.
Donna :hugs:

31-12-07, 18:22
Thank you for your reply doglover. You may be definitely right, as I sometimes find myself clenching my teeth tightly. But as you may understand I cannot stop saying what if...

31-12-07, 20:33
I totally understand! I have anxiety over my health all the time and was convinced I must have some type of cancer in my throat/mouth etc.
I have now become so used to all the odd feelings in my face that I have constant upper back ache which I'm told is just muscle tension from anxiety, but guess what, I am driving myself mad thinking I have lung cancer or a tumour!
Maybe you could see your dentist. They are the best ones to determine if you have TMJ which could be causing the fullness in your ear. If you are clenching your teeth, they can give you a mouth guard to wear in your sleep which can help.
Best of luck.

01-01-08, 00:53
Hi Survivor,

I'm new to this site.. but I can relate to what you're going through.
I had an ear infection there in October and because I was stressed & full of tension it lasted arouns 3 -4 weeks... I ended up on 3 antibiotics as I wasn't letting myself heal properly?
Anyhow! The last antib I was on was in drop form..... but when I was half way through I was stratchin my head in the "drops" position and realised I had been tensing my jaw for about 5 mins... after a couple of days I hopped into the doctor as I didn't feel like my ear was getting any better... he had a look in and said it was finally healing up nicely and then he put his fingers (one on both ear joint) and told me to open & close my jaw and asked if it hurt when he slightly pressed in.... It did............... The answer I got? I was stressing out in my sleep and grinding my teeth and tensing my jaw in my sleep and that thru this I'd managed to damage the joint in my jaw?
I still get it - sometimes not at all and sometimes the pain goes into my temple from thinking about it too much?

Maybe try some Rescue Remedy Rescue Sleep?

Happy new Year

01-01-08, 11:36
Thanks Lainey. I completely understand what you mean, but I can understand the ache at my jaw join point, but for me the fullness at one ear make no sense with clenching the teeths. This is why I am so concerned.

01-01-08, 16:33

I too understand what you're feeling - in fact I'm having a day of it today!
The fullness of the ear however I don't know, is it like your ear's blocked? Try the doctor and get them to check for an ear infection maybe...

I'm still yet to go to the dentist and get this mouth guard thing for night time?

I've finally found a yaga class and a tai chi class in my area that's starting at the end of January... The Tai Chi was reccommended by my accupuncturist specifically for panic attacks and learning to rebalance you? I don't know, but it's definitely worth a go! Have you trued anything like this?

01-01-08, 18:13
Hi Lainey,

My ears have already been checked by two different Doctors and have been reassured that they were fine.

I have not tried yoga or accupunctur thing, may be I should do. Thanks for all your advices.