View Full Version : YAY!!! its 2008!!!

01-01-08, 11:19
Happy new years everyone!!!!

hope you all had a great and fantastic night!!!

i surprisingly did and it made my night...was able to have a few drinks and not feel panicy:) !!!

Lets all leave 2007 behind and move on to what this new year has to offer.

Today is a new day that you have never lived before so dont dwell in the past just live today to the fullest!!!

Love Lawzy xxx

01-01-08, 13:25
Hi Lawzy,

See - You can do it!!!!
Hope you and yours have a fantastic 2008.
Best wishes,

01-01-08, 14:12
Thats Great news Lawzy, all the best for 2008 :) :) :) :)
Luv Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-01-08, 00:54
heyy happy new year lol i know im a bit late but im glad you had a great night best luck in the future everyone i hope you all had a great night because i did too no worries was the best new years day ever
