View Full Version : I googled! Someone slap me.

01-01-08, 12:07
I have an ache, near my coccyx, and I googled bruised coccyx to see if I could find a way to ease it and it said that sometimes coccyx pain can be a sign of cancer!
Now my stomach is in knots. Why oh why did I do this?

01-01-08, 12:15
Barbie never goooooooooooooooogle it's the enemy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tell you what a bruised coccyx is, it's a bruised coccyx, I should know, I have fell on my ass enough times ;).

Now stop googling, you are fine.

Have a cuppa and watch the footy, kick off is at !pm, that will cheer you up (works for me).



01-01-08, 12:20
Thanks Jaco. Thing is, its to the right of my coccyx, and if I press it it doesnt hurt, just when I go to sit down etc?
Hmm. Not a big fan of footy but I might go and do some yoga to calm down. :weep:

01-01-08, 12:30

If I had had a penny for everytime I had found a lump, sensitive part or pain in my body, I would have £25.54 by now (see what anxiety does? you become obsessive ;)).

If it's Yoga and not football that calms you down, then get Yoging then :), personally I find nothing more comforting and relaxing than screaming at the TV "send the ******** off REF", tis very therapeutic you know.

If anything I bet its probably a cyst, I had one once somewhere else, harmless.

Put it to the back of your mind, have a wee yogi and pop to the GP when you have a min for total re-assurance :).



01-01-08, 12:36
Ahhh thank you. I will wait til next week before I go to the doctors, to see if it goes away by itself. I am in the doctors so often they dont even call my name in the waiting room anymore, they just say hi!!!! :blush:

Enjoy screaming at the telly! :footy:

01-01-08, 13:33
Hi Barbie

I just read your thread and I have to say it made my anx level go sky high. I don't even have a sore coccyx. Shows how bad news be it on telly or on the net can give your mind just what it needs to release more adrenalin. I can imagine myself on the top of the effiel tower and I can make my self feel terrible...just give it a go think of something completley unrelated to your symptoms..why not google "big toe" or visulise the worse scenario and hey presto your back up there. Anx flying high again. In future once you have proved my theory leave any health related media well alone. Imagine it as the enemy that will feed your anx craving sub concious, that means girlie mags, google, the news (on TV and radio). Concentrate on more positive things that occupy your agitated mind with relaxing tasks.

Good Luke it will go away.


01-01-08, 13:39
Oh Barbie,

I can't believe you googled. I know that sitting is hard, but have you tried a warn soak to see if that helps. I am with Jaco here sounds like you have bruised yourself some how. Take it easy and see how it goes.

Take Care

01-01-08, 16:12
SLAP ............ There ya go , pls pls pls pls dont google if your ever concerned about aches or pains .. come here to speak to someone or Ring the No Panic helpline and speak to someone there ,

Googling only feeds the anxiety so pls pls dont do it again sweetie .

Happy New Year


01-01-08, 17:20
I'm so sorry your worried about your symptoms:hugs: I'm new here but learning fast about the harm in googling your symptoms. I do it all the time, in fact i stay up last night doing just that and freaking myself out when all the symptoms pointed to cancer:( Here:buttkick: lol, Now i guess i deserve one too for the same thing.
Take Care

01-01-08, 21:47
I have come to a conclusion.......google and cancer are in cahoots! because everytime you google ANYTHING cancer shows up!

I am sure it will be ok and go away, the way we move around things are bound to hurt at some stage. Hope you feel better soon :)

Take care,

Brandy snap
02-01-08, 00:15
Hi Barbie,

I just read your post and wanted to share my experience. I have had a recurring pain in that area for years. Every so often, after several weeks of feeling fine, it will start to hurt, and when I look with the aid of a mirror balanced on the loo seat and peering behind me while standing with my back to it, it is starting to look red and feel hard. A few days later a thing like a boil comes up and it is surrounded by bright red tender skin. I have salt baths and soak it in undiluted TCP. It gets much bigger and eventually it bursts. I have been getting them in exactly the same place for as long as I can remember. I read somewhere of the name for this but it escapes me. Could yours be something similar starting? Just a thought.

02-01-08, 00:24
Hi Barbie,

Slap Slap Slap.
Next time-rather than Google,visit the Chat room and unload your problems there.Talking through things like this is taking positive action whilst Googling will only upset you.
Best wishes,

02-01-08, 15:42
Hi Barbie,

I just read your post and wanted to share my experience. I have had a recurring pain in that area for years. Every so often, after several weeks of feeling fine, it will start to hurt, and when I look with the aid of a mirror balanced on the loo seat and peering behind me while standing with my back to it, it is starting to look red and feel hard. A few days later a thing like a boil comes up and it is surrounded by bright red tender skin. I have salt baths and soak it in undiluted TCP. It gets much bigger and eventually it bursts. I have been getting them in exactly the same place for as long as I can remember. I read somewhere of the name for this but it escapes me. Could yours be something similar starting? Just a thought.

Hmm, I dont know because it doesnt hurt to touch? And doesnt look red or anything. The worst pain is walking up the stairs, going down the stairs isnt as bad???? But I will keep an eye on it, thanks.

Its not agonising, just very uncomfortable, and I am back at work tomorrow and I have to sit constantly for 1.5 hour sessions so I am dreading it!

02-01-08, 15:44
Hi Barbie,

Slap Slap Slap.
Next time-rather than Google,visit the Chat room and unload your problems there.Talking through things like this is taking positive action whilst Googling will only upset you.
Best wishes,

Thank you. I did only google to see what I could do to make it better - I never thought it would come up with serious illnesses! :blush: