View Full Version : Strange feeling in my head.

26-02-05, 16:49
Today I went walking in the fields. Didnt really want to go, but did it anyway.

I walked for around an hour, had a cup of coffee from my flask and carried on.

After about 5 mins walking, suddenly my head felt funny. It felt like the feeling you get when you stang up too quickly, only worse. Like a huge rush in my head. It made me feel dizzy.
It has left me with a muzzy head.

It scared me because I thought I was going to faint...in the middle of the field full of cow muck!

Does anyone have any idea what caused this?

Jude x

26-02-05, 16:52

Had you eaten atall?

I sometimes go dizzy for no reason and it is usually when I haven't eaten regularly or I am very tired.

Hope you feel better now?


26-02-05, 16:59
Could it have been a caffiene hit ?
Its easy to make it stronger than normal when making a flask full.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

26-02-05, 17:10
hi jude, I get this regular and realy think i am gonna pass out, Maybe it the anxiety of not wanting to go out? but u done right going out anyway. hope u feel better doon. Vernon

26-02-05, 17:20
I was wondering whether it was low blood sugar.
I have a huge prob with eating at the moment. This happened about 2pm. I had eaten 3 crackers with philadelphia cheese on them about 12.30.
That is all id eaten since yesterday T Time.

Iv just got over panicking about my symptoms. I dont want to start again, but now Im thinking....is it a brain tumour after all!

Why does everything make us so paranoid.

Jude x

26-02-05, 17:20
Hi Jude,
I can relate. I get these standing up and they actually feel thick and heavy. Mine feel like they are going to run over my head, sometimes I describe them as pressure and then they go. they don't last long but they really make you tight afterwards.



26-02-05, 17:36

Next time take a small bag of nuts and dried fruit with you (Meg swears by this mix) and then if you feel faint you can eat a handful of that.

It won't be a brain tumour lol.


26-02-05, 17:54
Thanks Nicola. I like nuts and raisins. Il take some everywhere I think. Just in case! [B)]

Jude x

26-02-05, 19:13

I'd be happy to send you a sample of my mix to give you an idea of the range of stuff in it short , medium and long term energy .. Pm me your details

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

26-02-05, 23:57
Hi Jude

I know excatly how you feel, at the height of my anxiety I used to get them every time I went to the supermarket and when I looked back I realised I had eaten hardly anything that day. Anx iety burns up a lot of energy thus giving you a low blood sugar, try not to worry it's just the anxiety hitting you in a different way

Take care

Elaine x

27-02-05, 11:15
Hi Jude
I know exactly what you mean. I get those heads quite often, just makes me feel weak and that i'm going to pass out. And when i'm walking around i feel as though when i look down i'm really high up (if that makes any sense).
Take care

27-02-05, 12:58
Hi Jude

I've had that feeling in the past too - regular eating of the healthy variety should indeed help keep your blood sugar levels and reduce the likelihood this will happen again.

Look on the bright side - you didn't fall in the cow muck !!!

Love Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

18-01-09, 16:43
I was wondering whether it was low blood sugar.
I have a huge prob with eating at the moment. This happened about 2pm. I had eaten 3 crackers with philadelphia cheese on them about 12.30.
That is all id eaten since yesterday T Time.

Iv just got over panicking about my symptoms. I dont want to start again, but now Im thinking....is it a brain tumour after all!

Why does everything make us so paranoid.

Jude x
dont worry mate im beginning to get them now its really horrible like your vision blurs and your head tingles inside its just another anxiety trick :D

18-01-09, 16:47
could it be an allergy?

so jems like
18-01-09, 17:10
yeah like everyone said so far, we all can relate. I remember I was at the supermarket, and suddenly my head got dizzy and I really thought I was going to pass out. Now that I think about it, I hadn't eaten much and too many things were running through my head. I was under a lot of stress and that's when I realized I just had to relax. It was really cold out, so the cold must've been a factor to it also. But, don't worry. Relaxing is really important. Just take care of yourself :)