View Full Version : now scared of multiple clots...happy new year!

01-01-08, 16:23

i posted the other day saying how scared i was of blood clot on lung due to right sided intermittent stabbing chest pain since august!
Doctor said its my muscles in chest due to having baby and its true, the pain is only there when i strain myself, ie lift my baby etc.

Anyway, since then iv been getting like 'growing pains' in my legs which ast a coupla seconds and are not there all the time. Iv got/had a terrible headache today, mostly at the back but also in eyes, now i did have a late night but im so scared i have a blood clot in my brain and this is the day for me!
2x ibuprofen have improved it significantly but its still there and at times im feeling heavy headed, alsmost as though im drifting off...cant really explain sorry.

yesterday and day before i was again convinced i was having heart problems again...whats wrong with me and why does everything little thing i feel escalate to me dying? I just want to feel normal! aaarrrggghhh

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This year WILL be better for me, i have a beautiful new daughter and im going to live and be better for her. Im going to lose weight and save money and ENJOY MY LIFE!

Love to you all
ps sorry for the rant!

01-01-08, 16:48
thankyou so much for your reply, its good to know im not the only one that this has happened to although it feels like it.

My health visitor is aware of my anxiety problem, particularly thats in relation to my health.
Most of the time im ok and coping really well with the anxiety/panick, im really loving being a mummy and we're getting a ood night sleep with her too now. I am tired though after xmas and new year, im sure i was dehydrated today as well and i know this causes me headaches...its just funny,

like you said, before my daughter this would have just been a normal headache, now i obsess that its a clot and im going to die!
That pain in my chest...i had that when i was pregnant it didnt bother me then, now its a clot and again im going to die!
I will speak to her again, my forends are a great support and my antenatal friends can relate to what im saying which is good, just have to air my feelings to someone other than them...scared im gonna bore them otherwise.

Thanks again
Cassi Ps Hope you had a happy new year with your son! xxx