View Full Version : Is this anxiety or something else?

01-01-08, 20:22
I do seem to suffer with low sugar type symptoms. I haven't had them for a while until today.....I got really shaky and felt faint before lunch ate lunch which normally makes it disappear but not today. This afternoon I really felt I was going into hospital, I felt really shaky, thought I was going to pass out. I dozed off this afternoon and now I feel empty, stomach churned, nauseous.

I have had a couple of slices of toast this evening but my stomach feels empty still like I haven't eaten all day and I still feel weak. I know there's a lot of bugs around at the moment so wonder if it's that or anxiety.....

01-01-08, 21:47
It could be either to be honest.

See how you feel tomorrow and then it may confirm a bug or anxiety.

02-01-08, 14:18
Hi this is exactly how i was 5 months ago. felt like low blood sugar and id go into uncontrolable shaking, sweats and was always hungry.

It has now materialised after hundreds of visits to docs that its my bodys way of dealing with anxiety / stress which had built up over 10 years. its hard to believe that at first as its uncontrollable but gradually it eases off. i had these symptoms every day for the first 2 weeks after 2pm and i was taken into hospital on 2 occasions as the attacks scared the life out of me.

It is probably due to you having a borderline blood sugar level (your GP will tell you its normal) and suffering anxiety even if you dont think you are! the subconcious mind is very strange! its taken me 5 months to believe its anxiety and not something more serious.

You need rest to let your body come to grips with whats happening, a good psycologist who will help you understand why your body reacts like this and support like this site.

Im not promising its easy cos its not but you will improve gradually! i took 3 months before i could even get back to work and im still having good and bad days.

Just out of interest do you drink alcohol excessively? as i used to and this is what i feel caused my symptoms as id have a bottle of wine a night which covers all your anxiety but they build up. even now if i drink to much on a night out i have 2-3 awful days after where im weak and very anxious and think im going to pass out.

Hope this helps as i know from experience that this symptom is quite rare.

PM me if you want to chat more


03-01-08, 20:16
Hi, thanks for the replies. I was ok when I woke up the next morning so I'm guessing it was probably anxiety. And for the record I don't drink so unfortunately I can't blame it on that!!!!!!!!

04-01-08, 23:28
I've had a few of these attacks in the past couple months, it's awful. I'm interested to know why anxiety drops your blood sugar?

09-01-08, 21:48
I dont know why it drops your blood sugar. i think its a combination of being run down from anxiety (you may not notice you are run down) a borderline blood sugar level and a virus which you will notice if you have a funny colour tonge and lumpy moth! well thats what i tell myself. got home tonight and had a bad attack first in 3 months and it really made me feel down! like everyone i guess i dont completely believe it anxiety even if i try and convince everyone i do!

09-01-08, 22:13
I've had a few of these attacks in the past couple months, it's awful. I'm interested to know why anxiety drops your blood sugar?

I don't think it does - it is the other way round.

Our blood sugar level drops so we get anxiety type symptoms.

09-01-08, 22:14
Try these ...

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)
sugar addiction and our moods. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6908)
Low GI foods and furit juice! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7553)