View Full Version : Help me please

01-01-08, 21:06
I have suffered panic attacks for a few months now and am on 20 mg of prozac a day. I managed to live with the panic/anxiety but over the last few days the dizziness and shakes have started again. I have to go to meet my husband in a big city for our anniversary and it is a 3 and half train journey to get there, i am scared never travelled alone and i have no other way to get there. Has anyone got any tips for me i am scared incase i panic and do not last the whole journey? also can the panic attacks return suddenly for no reason and do i keep fighting it instead of flighting? any advice would be brilliant i am so scared :shrug:

01-01-08, 21:12
HI Margaret,

The dizziness and shakes are part of the anxiety hun. You are stressing about meeting your husband for what sounds like a lovey time. Have you ask your gp for anything to help you with the trip. Also everybody over the talks about rescue remedy can you get some.
Also load you mp3 player with all your favorites for the trip.
Good Luck and take a good book to read while on the train.

01-01-08, 21:16
Hi please do,nt be scared, where have you got to go to meet your husband ?And why do you have to travel alone?It,s easy for me to say as i,m not the one doing the journey but try not to fight it , try deep breathing, take things to distract you, a good book c d,s, chat to person sitting next to you even if it,s just saying hello.I wish i could be more helpful but plese try not to worry and have a brillent anniversay.:hugs:

01-01-08, 21:22
I live in the highlands of scotland and have to travel to the centre of edinburgh. My friend was suppose to come and has changed her mind at the last minute. I really want to go down as it is important and want to show myself and my husband that i can. Can anyone tell me what rescue remedy is please? thanks x

01-01-08, 21:57
Hi, Rescue Remedy, kind of theraputic flower extracts in alcohol base (not really the most comprehensive description but you could maybe google it) is widely available (Boots,Asda) in liquid and spray and cream form. Bach Flower Remedies do a large range of these for various problems and you need to read about it for some understanding.
i hope your journey will be successful for you. If it was me going I would take a puzzle/crossword book and keep my mind working hard as poss for the duration. Allowing my mind to stray into vacant land allows some unwanted thoughts to worm their way in, so best to keep occupied and the journey will soon be over. Good luck and come back and tell us how you got on.

02-01-08, 00:56
Hi Margaret,
Sounds like an exciting trip.
What about all the "stuff" you have coped with in the last few months?
It's so easy to forget what we have come through/survived/experienced.
Believe in yourself!!
A good book,magazines,herbal remedies,cd player-all can help.
Best wishes,

02-01-08, 02:47
i am scared incase i panic and do not last the whole journey?

When we attempt something as brave as this we Must attempt it because We want to and not because others want us to. You appear to be doing this because you want to do it for yourself which is good!

Once you achieve this, it'll prove to yourself that you are capable and boost your confidence in your own abilities.

Firstly, a panic will Not stop you lasting the journey. Even if you did have a panic, it'll pass and Nothing will happen to you despite how bad they make us feel.

As others have said, take some music or read a Good book. You could try crosswords or similar puzzles if you like that sort of thing. Take something with you that will engross your mind to keep it occupied and away from worrying thoughts.

It's the fear of a panic occurring that Makes them happen. If you can convince yourself that you have nothing to fear then they Won't happen. In reality, there is Nothing to fear from them. They Can't harm you or stop you on your journey. The feelings just pass.

You could try taking a paper bag to breathe in. Knowing that you have it on you could stop you worrying about a panic happening because you've got a safety net to fall back on. Sometimes just knowing that we have a safety net is enough to stop them happening because we stop worrying about them happening.

I'm Sure you'll be fine. It's often the thought of doing something that is worse than the actual doing. You have such lovely countryside up there I'd be engrossed looking out the window if it's not too dark but I'm Sure you'll be ok because it's something You want to achieve for yourself.:hugs:

02-01-08, 08:55
Hello Me Darling,

If it helps break the trip down into singular hours, right now your looking at a trip that seems very daunting , as others say take a book , some music, crosswords and remember relaxation , You can do this , tell Yourself one hour over deep breaths ... then read or do some distraction and keep going. Also remember this is a HUGE acheivment for you and one that you should be so very proud of , so try to relax sit back and enjoy your Anniversary

Have fine sweetie

Michelle xxxxxxxx

02-01-08, 12:19
Hi Margaret
I have avoided travel for the short time I've been having my panic attacks. Even local public transport. A couple of weeks ago I travelled the 2 1/2 journey to London for my best friends birthday and found that reading, listening to music and Rescue Remedy didn't work, my mind was still buzzing with horrible thoughts. I rode out the attack which lasted right from before getting on the bus to getting to my friend's house (almost 5 hours). I'm sure as you know it comes in "waves" when they last a long time.
You just have to try your best to tell yourself you're doing fine and that at the end of it all you'll get to see your husband and have a really good time - you've got something to look forward to at the end of your journey so use that to think positively! If it helps talking to someone, sit next to someone who looks friendly and speak to them if you're feeling anxious. I did this once on a short bus journey and it turned out the lady had also had panic attacks before and was really lovely about it. If not, give a friend or your husband a call.
Just know you'll be fine. You can do this.
Have a fantastic time.

02-01-08, 12:35
thank you all so much i am going to take a book and my daughters mp3 and a little picnic lol need that. My husband told me to go first class as it is not as crowded i am away on friday morning i am trying not to get worried about it, think that is half of my battle thinking about what if. I know I can do it I had a part time job in a shop over christmas stocking shelves and now and then serving customers and managed that though i was petrified. Can panic attacks suddenly come back that what i was wondering? It is just that i was starting to feel a bit like my old self and he rears his ugly head again. I have one thing that still makes me panic really bad is queues i hate them i feel panicy and faintish and mt heart starts i do not know how to overcome that one and why iam panicy about queues. x :blush:

02-01-08, 12:39
It's so good to hear you're thinking positively about the journey. That's more than half the battle!
They can come back. I had panic attacks years ago but none as bad as I have now. They have only recently come back in the last 6 weeks. I knew nothing about them back then and have learned so much more now and it's helping. Understanding your panic and your body is key.
It sounds like you've made huge strides and big props for doing so. You just have to think about what you have already fought through and know that you can fight through everything else too.

04-01-08, 02:00
Hello Margaret,
You also raised a question about why you feel panicky in queues.

This is what I think happens - When we're in a queue, we feel trapped and so begin to feel stressed because when we suffer from anxiety we don't like the feeling of being enclosed. We always feel a need for an escape route.

We are also aware of the customer behind us and of the anticipation of when we get served. We feel under pressure to pay, pack and move on because of the customer behind us. "Perhaps" it's also something to do with this feeling of not wanting to be disliked and so we don't want them getting annoyed with us for making them wait - low self esteem.

As for coping, I find it best to wait for a counter that's quieter and if it's not possible, then to just take deep breaths to help keep relaxed.

We have to remember that we are all equals so are entitled to "our space".:hugs:

celia davies
04-01-08, 18:08
Panic attacks come on without no warning thats the horrible thing about them,if your thinking about having a pannic attack you will prob make yourself have one i know its stupid but b4 i go anywhere i make myself have one thats the only thing that seems 2 work for me these days! And also slowley inhale deeply through your nose an then exhale slowley through your nose counting make sure you stay on the same breath counting if that all makes sense sorry if it dosnt x

04-01-08, 18:31
hi i just like u cant go any where where i have to queue!partner booked us a holiay had to be on a plane for four hours and of course queue at each end . i got into such a state i couldnt function at all . went to docs she gave me 2 diazapam really didnt want to take it but i got into such a state i had to for the sake of the kids . it didnt take anx away but it did help me get through it .may be u should concider it . good luck an enjoyx

07-01-08, 20:49
hi margaret, I find when the panicky feelings begin let them happen and try not to react to them, knowing they will pass. Its a good way of breaking the cycle. I tried this technique and found it worked. Its almost like watching the feelings rather than taking part if that makes sense.

08-01-08, 13:06

09-01-08, 21:46
I would like to say thank you to you all for replying to my post. Firstly I did make it down on the train to meet my husband and did not panic, done the crossword book, chatted and listened to my music. I really enjoyed my weekend with my husband felt like a human again. The mr panic did rear his head but i did not let him win I just rode it out. Believe it or not I am going down to Edinburgh again this weekend with my husband and family and I am really looking forward to it. Your advice really helped me and I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart as you helped me feel human again. x :hugs:

10-01-08, 00:21
Good for you!! I am glad you made it through!