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01-01-08, 22:10
Dear reader

Just received a letter. My GP has referred me to the Community Mental Health team. Never thought this would happen.

Had Generalized Anxiety and OCD for 15 years (I am 29). Escitalopram and Seroxat didn't help, or 2 lots of CBT.

As a Psychiatric Nurse, being referred TO MY OWN TEAM is not what I wanted. I need lots of support please xx

:weep: :weep: :weep: :mad: :mad: :weep: :weep:

01-01-08, 22:14
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Hi, those are for you. Hope that you soon feel better. I know that things seem really dark at the moment. Remember the sun will shine and this to shall pass hun.

Hope that you have a better day tomorrow.

Take Care

01-01-08, 22:17
It could really help you though couldn't it??

Hugs from me too.

01-01-08, 22:22

Hope your referal comes through soon
Trac xxx

02-01-08, 00:45
Hi Tabatha,

Maybe the team will actually look forward to helping you-their friend-get better.
Try to seem it as an opportunity not an ordeal.
I really hope this works out or you.
Best wishes,

02-01-08, 01:14
Hello Tabatha,

I know you're feeling bad but you have absolutely no reason to. :hugs:

I used to know a doctor who suffered panic attacks, a cpn who had an extreme dog phobia and there are those on here who work in the NHS including myself who suffer from anxiety problems.

You are by no means alone and you couldn't be in better hands.

When you recover, think of all the good you'll be able to do for others through your personal experiences. You'll be a better cpn than the others because you'll be able to empathise with patients and that's what patients need - someone they can turn to who will help them And understand how they feel.

There is no better place than to be amongst friends who understand their problems.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-01-08, 12:17
Thank you everyone for your support.

Bill - I understood what you were saying completly. I always believe that we should show empathy, at least now I can fully mean it. Thank you.

Still feel very low. Didn't go into work today, just stayed in bed. Seeing GP tomorrow. Cant be bothered to do anything, I really have never felt so down.

:sofa: :emot-crying: :emot-crying: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sofa:

02-01-08, 12:34
I can understand your feelings of not wanting friends and work colleagues to find out how you are feeling, when i was working as a nurse i tried to hide my problems from my manager and colleagues but in the end i was taking so much time off i just had to admit to it, i remember a huge burden being lifted off my shoulders after admitting my "taboo subject" and others saying how they had suffered the same things in the past. It sort of brought people closer in a way
However sometimes it's best to be helped by complete stangers because then there is no fear of being judged etc or repercussions. Could you explain this to your GP who might be able to refer you elsewhere?
Best of luck Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-01-08, 15:29
Hi Tabatha,

Do you think asking your GP to refer you to a different team would be a possibility? I understand how you are feeling because when my anxiety was bad I had to tell everyone at the library where I work. It wasn't easy because we use a rota so a lot of the staff found out but they were all very supportive. I'm sure after any initial awkwardness you'll soon start to feel the benefit and your colleagues will be eager to help.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

06-01-08, 03:14
Thank you everybody for your replies and support.

My GP had tried to referr me to another Trust in the area, but they turned me down because I wasn't in their catchment area.

Did receive some good news, the CMHT have agreed to use a fake name on all documentations and Epex system, which is good.

Still havn't gone back to work yet and I'm still in bed feeling low. My boyfriend has been great. I just want someone to click their fingers and it would all go away

06-01-08, 16:35

I am glad they are not using your real name, that should make you feel better. I know we all wish we could just wish it away but we can't, hopefully when you start seeing the Team you will feel better. I do hope so. Until then, here is a big :bighug1:.
