View Full Version : Do Y'all Realize how long i've searched for a place to fit in,,,,,

02-01-08, 02:38
And Now I've Found One!!!! Here!!!! Y'all are great!!!!
I've never fit in on most message boards cuz people just didn't understand why every time i had a bad time i thought i had cancer or a heart attack, or a blood clot, etc. Even My close friends and relatives don't understand. My hubby REALLY doesn't understand and he's running out of patience with me. So its SO nice to come to a place like this and have so much support and understanding. I'm So Glad I Found Y'all!!!!:yesyes:

02-01-08, 08:27
Hi and Happy New Year 'Panicagain'
Glad you found nmp and hope it helps you as much as it's helping me.
Just knowing your not alone with what your feeling makes it that little bit easier to cope with doesn't it. You'll find lots of lovely people on here only to happy to support and help you through. Your hubby sounds just like mine..doesn't understand..he tries but can't, and that makes me feel worse coz i think he must think i'm just a fruit cake....lol...what the heck eh!
Hope you feel better soon.
:bighug1: :bighug1:

02-01-08, 09:03
Hello Panicagain, and :welcome:


02-01-08, 09:24
hi ya panic again,

welcome to nmp....

this is a great site for making friends and getting lots of help.

dawny x