View Full Version : just don't think this is right

02-01-08, 09:32
Hi again. i wake up in the morning and my head starts going all fuzzy and everything starts flickering. my legs are wibbly wobbly and i am off balance. so sick of it. the docs say its anxiety. am i my own worst enemy in not accepting this.thanks

02-01-08, 10:15
:hugs: i feel the same. im going to the doctors again this morning. my head is buzzing, i have pins and needles/butterflies everywhere. i feel so low. ive has this awful flu type thing for about 5 days now and am confused if its that or anxiety or side effects of citalopram i started taking a week ago. i cant sleep. this is a nightmare.
hope you feel better soon. go and see your gp for soem reassurance.

02-01-08, 10:18
Thanks dog lover, let me know how you get on. i have been to the docs a zillion times but they don't seem to listen anymore. do you get the same thing.x

02-01-08, 10:31
Each time I go I see someone else which doesn't help. I must say I haven't had much reassurance or help. I've had to tell them im suffering from anxiety. You would have thought after the 5th visit in tears someone would have guessed it? I was just told that I am fine. Tension in my back causing other aches and pains and I need to relax and exercise.
You may well have this bug coming. I hope not. I'll let you know how I get on at docs
Donna x

02-01-08, 10:34
Hi it is definitely not a bug for me, had it for ages. but there is such a lot going around at the moment. my son has had a chest infection and tonsilitis in the one week.x

02-01-08, 12:53
Hi Sheree,
just got back from docs. Saw yet another one who was really kind and understanding. Gave me two weeks off work sick for flu cos I told him i was concerned about work knowing about my anxiety as i have hidden it from them and im concerened it could be used against me. Hopefully they will never have to find out. Anyway its sort of true cos I am ill with flu anyway.
He told me to stick with the citalopram and that when the other doctor prescribed it to me he should have explained to me all the possible side effects and given me some sleeping tablets as i haven't slept properly for days. (not sure if thats the citalopram or being ill or being anxious etc etc !!!!)
Hope you are okay. I found going out has calmed me down a bit. The buzzing in my head has lessened. The more I sit and dwell the worse things get.
Are you on meds?
Donna x

02-01-08, 12:58
Hi yes Donna, i just started on new meds effexor xl 3 weeks ago. i have been on citalopram and it was good. The only reason i came off them was because the new physchiatrist wantedme to go it alone and then eventually put me back on but a totally different one.can't really remember if i had side effects though.

03-01-08, 00:07
Hi doglover & sherdac, I'm glad you're both feeling better than you were. I only butt in because you seem to be relatively new to the meds. Please talk to your GP and state that you don't want to be dependent on medication indefintely.I went on them due to a bereavement over 5 years ago and I'm convinced that the only anxiety I suffer now is when I try to come off them.