View Full Version : please, please help.......

02-01-08, 10:26
I am supposed to be going back to work today. I feel terrible. Ive booked an appointment at the doctors this morning. I cant go to work. I have felt terrible since a panic attack before Xmas and the last few days ill with some flu type bug. I cant sleep. I am in a constant state of anxiousness, my head is buzzing, my limbs all tingle, my back hurts, my arms hurt.
Is this anxiety or am i really ill. Is it the citalopram i started taking a week ago.
I feel like im dying and i've lost interest in everything.
Please help me

02-01-08, 10:30
Hi Donna
you will be fine. it could well be the citalopram. a lot of anti-depressants make you feel worse for a short while before you start to feel the benefits from them. they will still be getting into your system. go and see your GP and voice your concerns. let us all know how you get on. it is so difficult i know. i also feel as if i am an empty shell at the moment. lost interest in everything even though i want to do all the things just feel so ill at moment.sheree

02-01-08, 23:43
Hi Donna, I hope you're better than you were. I can't say I know exactly how you feel because I somehow managed to drag myself into work, but believe me, I didn't think I could do it. Strange thing is, after an hour, I did realise I was better off there than I was at home doing nothing but stressing myself out more ! Like Sheree says, speak to your GP and see if he can give you something more immediate to get you through this tough time; and don't be afraid to confide in someone in the meantime ! We're all friends here and we can at least relate to what you're going through. The main thing is; you're not alone & you will get better.