View Full Version : ectopic beats im so scared

02-01-08, 15:37
i have been getting ectopic heart beats for 7 years now the first one i had was so strong it made my knees buckle and i fell in the street then my heart started racing i really thought it was the end for me well i went to the docs and i had tests and i got told it was ectopic beats i still get very scared of them and some days my heart will race and it can last for days lately i have been getting the strong ones again and im scared to go out incase my knees buckle again and i die it happend when i picked my kids up from school and i was in a panick for weeks and because i suffer anxiety attacks the doc wont do no more for me the anxiety attacks was bought on by the fear of dying from these beats i have had a rotten christmas cos of them i do get days and weeks without them which is pure bliss but i am getting them now and im frightened please help me

Rachey poos
02-01-08, 16:21
please read the previous threads on here... i have been posting.... xxxxx it is horrid but harmless x

03-01-08, 21:38
Really scary, really horrible, but they really are harmless. I you've had all the tests, then please try to convince yourself that you are ok. I've been through all this and it does take some work, but you can do it. I'm still here at the age of 52!

03-01-08, 21:46
hi helen

i have had them for years and like you the first one i had was very strong it woke me up from my sleep !
i have had scans on my heart ect and all came back ok there was ectopics on then but the doc just tells me i will be fine they wont harm me i think the best way to deal with them is not to be scared of them i know this is hard but it dose work

jodie xxx

17-01-08, 21:39
i have been getting ectopics for 3 days now i used to get them all the time and they stopped but for the last 3 days they are back its totally stressing me out i have just started a gym a couple of weeks ago i go 3 times a week and ive been on my diet for 3 weeks im wondering if this has anythig to do with it im getting the thuds now and again but the most bugging feeling just now is the fluttering feeling like my heart is shaking every time i move from being relaxed it can make you light headed unless im making myself lightheaded from anxiety does anyone else get this its horrible love Julie xxxxxx

17-01-08, 21:49
hi joolee yes i still get the ectopics still and they are horrible sometimes its like a big thud in my chest and sometimes like you said its the shaking in my chest sometimes i dont get panicky over them but if they are really bad then the panick can last for days or weeks and as for the lightheadiness i get that too but its when im anxious so i guess the reason why your lightheaded is anxiety have you been to see your doctor about your symptoms he will help you my doctor has put me on citalopram now because all through christmas i was having really bad anxiety attacks which i havent had for years and they make my ectopic beats unbearable and i do feel a little better but i do still have the odd day i feel anxious well best regards to you and i do hope you feel better soon helen xxx ps i dont think its because off the gym or your diet like i read on here ectopic beats are normal part of life and even atheletes get them

18-01-08, 10:06
Thanx Helen i have been to the doctors about them and they put me up to the heart specialist at the hospital
i had a 24 hour monitor on which showed up my ectopic beats and i had a heart trace done and a scan of my heart which came back all fine this was two years ago i was doing so well off not getting ectopics for months then BANG they started again just as i was finishing my period they are more annoying than anything else but still scary at times i dont get them when i go to bed i got up this morning not wanting them to be here but yep they are the stupid flutter bubbly feeling in my chest i was so happy this morning as ive have lost half a stone in 18 days so i hoped that me being in this happy mood would stop me focusing on them but its hard when they give you that little reminder that they are there eh lol
i will try harder today to ignore them i have been feeling quite tierd the last few days probably my body getting used to all this extra exercise im doing now maybe this is why im feeling them more hope so anyway you always think there is something wrong with you even though ive had the all clear eh thanks again love Julie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: