View Full Version : 2008...... a better year?

02-01-08, 16:39

I have health anxiety and have been up and down with it over the past 12 months. Today I have started to feel it creeping back up on me. I thought 2008 could be a better year and I would try and be positive and look forward.

Does anyone else get the thing of not wanting to plan future things because they worry about being ill?
At the moment my mind is running overtime thinking negative things :weep:

I wish I could overcome this and get on with my life

Anyway Happy New Year and hopefully 2008 will be a better year :shrug:


02-01-08, 16:43
yes i feel the same way too i really do want to plan a holiday etc but i,m afraid that i will get too ill with the anxiety and let my girls and hubby down(which would make me feel even worse!!!!)
it scares me to know that theres a whole year ahead and not knowing what it will bring
i too suffer from health anxiety its horrible isn,t it!!

02-01-08, 16:47
hiya, yep i grt those feelings, its awful,like wots the point of planning cos i might get a serious illness etc... every lump, bump, mole, cough, is something serious!! drive my fella mad!! its horrid..saw my mole had changed shape a bit..(prob just scratched by accident!) but had a panic attack in work!! girls were great and made me laugh eventually.. hate these feelings tho!! becca xxx

02-01-08, 17:10
Oh Claire I could have posted this exact post too hun cos thats just the way I too am feeling right now. My brother in Coventry rang me today and asked if me and hubby would come visit in February for a weekend and of course me being me instead of booking flights I'm remembering where the nearest hospital is :wacko: We are all in the same boat hun and can help each other make sure we keep thinking positive and we are not alone :hugs: xxx

02-01-08, 21:07
Yes I know exactly how you feel, I decided to try and make 2008 a less panicky year so far I've had two stresses in the two days!! Doing well arent I NOT!!!! Oh dear It will get better eventually. I've got to go to the garage with my car tomorrow an 75 min drive, with two kids under three and a half in tow, get courtesy car and fill in the guts of four hours whilst worrying about what I'm going to do for a family gathering on friday for my wee girls 2nd birthday the week isnt getting any better!!!
Happy 2008 to all....

02-01-08, 21:47
Hi Claire,

I think we all feel this way some times hun. It's hard to see thru all the smoke, but remember this too shall pass. You are going to be fine.

Try to stay positive,an remember we all have come this far, lets keep going.
Take care

02-01-08, 21:50
Thanks all for your replies


04-01-08, 19:04

I think we are all so obsessed with how we feel at that moment and that we may not be here soon that, what's the point organising things for the future. I am very impulsive any how so dont enjoy planning. I do get very frustrated if we cant just do something at the weekend. Camping is excellent and responds well with anx. Very relaxing and you can do it at short notice when the weathers nice. Then again I am a bloke and I love living outdoors.

bring on the warm weather.


04-01-08, 19:08
Oi Claire, you will feel better this year, that's an order ;) xx

04-01-08, 21:58
Thanks peeps, I am too much of a girl meewah to like camping lol