View Full Version : chest pain and pregnant

02-01-08, 18:42
Hi all, I'm new on here and have suffered with health anxiety for the last few years, I have come off prozac since i found out i was pregnant (now 6 months) but i dont feel like im coping at all at the moment! I keep getting sharp pains in my chest just to the left side and have been feeling breathless most days for the last few months, my gp says its just anxiety and i know as i have had these symptoms before but they have never quite bothered me as much as they do now! I'm petrified of giving birth as i dont think my heart is strong enough to cope and im going to die! I look at my 4 yr old and think what is she going to do without her mummy and picture my funeral, i hate these thoughts and the way i feel, i look at people in the street and long to be like them, sorry for rambling but can anyone else relate to this?

02-01-08, 22:41
Hiya Bex,

You are going to get pains and problems all your organs are being shoved up into your chest cavity :) I had chest pains when I was pregnant near the end of it the docs said to me not to worry.

They will be monitoring you closely and if your heart was having problems there would be tell tail signs already to indicate to the docs you would be having a problem. If you are still worried go back to your doctor and voice your concerns, it's bad enough being pregnant and not in control of your body and Anx to top it all off. Maybe tell him your concerns so he could do some checks if needed.

Well done for getting this far without Prozac! not to much longer to go now hope the rest of the pregnancy is stress free. Put your feet up relax a bit more you are caring for 2.

Take care,

02-01-08, 22:55

Congratulations on the forthcoming baby

The doctors will be monitoring you closely at the moment and would not risk your or the babies health if they thought something was wrong with your heart.

It is anxiety pains or maybe indigestion.

Try some stretches behind your back to relieve the pain.

I get breathless cos I am overweight so no wonder you feel it with a baby inside you that is pushing everything up!

You will be fine I am sure - try and enjoy the pregnancy and look forward to the new baby.

03-01-08, 19:28
Thank you for posting back, its nice to hear back from people who understand what this horrible anxiety is like, my hubbys great but he just doesn't truly understand.

24-02-08, 18:42
Its me again, Im now 35 weeks pregnant and have been coping okish the last few weeks but i'm starting to worry again, i think its cause the birth is getting closer and my chest pains have come back, not very strong but they are still there and i also keep getting a funny feeling in my chest/throat, feels like someone is pressing on my chest, and it feels like i cant take a big breath, it only seems to happen when i sit or lie down and it does go off after a minute or so, does anyone know what this is? I also googled(stupid i know) pregnancy and chest pain and saw an article of a woman who had palpitations during pregnancy and died while giving birth.....my worst fear, i didnt read it though but the headline has got me all worried again and makes me feel what if!!!:weep: