View Full Version : anyone else have my symptoms?

02-01-08, 19:14
I apparently have muscle tension in my back but cant help worrying its more than that.
My upper back has sore points which feel very bruised to touch and can move slightly day by day. Sometimes its right on my upper spine and sometimes its in my shoulder muscles too. My chest also gets sore points when i press on them. Sometimes the soreness spreads all over my back and the ribs at the front as if Ive been beaten up. I think it is worrying about all this pain that led to me having a big panic attack 3 weeks ago.
I've now been on Citalopram for a week and today on and off my head keeps buzzing as if ive got pins and needles in it, my hands and feet are tingling and my pulse is really fast.
The doctor has given me some sleeping pills to take but Im scared to take them now incase i stop breathing in my sleep and dont wake up but i desperately need some sleep.
Any advice please?

02-01-08, 19:33
Yes. I have this.

My shoulders, shoulder blades, back, neck, arms, ribs, chest are ALWAYS very painful to touch and constantly ache.
My elbows, legs ache and hurt too.
You are NOT alone.

02-01-08, 19:34
Hi Donna,

Sounds to me like this is where you are storing your tension. We all tend to do this hun, my tension spot is neck and shoulders. Have you tried and exercises to work this tension out. Also try some relaxation through out the day, it will help so that you don't store so much tension.

Oh Donna, you need to take the meds so you can sleep hun. They wouldn't have given them to you if there was a problem or chance they would hurt you. If you aren't sleeping your anxiety will be thru the roof hun. Try a nice warm bath, and some relaxing musice and then some warm tea, and then try to go to bed hun. If sleep won't come, then take your meds. Also I just read, try listening to outside noise, the wind, the street noise, etc. it's like counting sheep they say.

Take Care,

02-01-08, 19:44
as you know donna, i get those symptoms plus too many more to mention. take the sleeping pills you will be fine.you were probably given a small dose 10 mg. i was prescribed a weeks course a few weeks ago. i was just so tired but couldn't sleep.x

02-01-08, 19:57

I currently have the same symptoms of you at the moment bad aches in back, shoulders, lower back, just about everywhere and my chest feels really bruised with sore points. I too feel like I have been run over by a bus. I have been felling like this for weeks and the doc keeps saying its muscle tension but like you I am getting very worked up. I have decided to come of the citalopram have been on them a few because I think they actually have made me worse.

Dont get me wrong the citalopram did work at first but now its making me feel absolutely awful so I have decided to go cold turkey. Its been four days now and no real side effects as of yet.

If you want a chat just pm me.


04-01-08, 19:43
I have similar. When I lie down one one side it feels as if I have something digging in to my ribs on my side. When I press my ribs on that side it is tender to the touch. I cant understand why its sore but the doc said it will take a while to go as I am using them all the time to breath. I have now learnt that the tenderness I feel in my ribs are due to the tension and hyperventilating. Nothing to worry about.


05-01-08, 22:44
Mine used to be Thoracic back mostly last year...now it's lumbar...corresponds directly to certain anxieties...I had tried Massage Therapy, Physio Therapy, Chiropractic and the releif was not lasting...relaxation methods and talk therapy have helped but I now have an appointment with a Psychiatrist this week about getting some anti depression / anxiety meds as the pains and the asscociated thoughts are getting worse and I need something to wind me down so I can concentrate to apply relaxation methods.


06-01-08, 11:50

Your post could of been written by me. I have suffered with this for years now.

I was given citalopram and they really helped me, and alot of the pain went was i was feeling more relaxed.

I came off the tablets about 3 months ago and when im having a anxious moment the pain comes back.

Im sitting here now feeling like iv been run over coz the pain is so bad

I do find having a bath with some lavender oil does help me.

love mandie

06-01-08, 16:08
Thankyou everyone for your comments. Im glad its not just me but sorry you're all suffering too!

07-01-08, 06:22
i think what you describe (sore spots with refered pain) is called trigger points.