View Full Version : can anyone help

02-01-08, 21:27

I dont know about you guys but why is it when you have got something wrong you cope better for the majority of the time?? I have had this fluey thing for the guts of four weeks now but on the 31st I coughed so much I have either pulled a muscle or cracked a rib. I have coped up till today, now I have got myself in such a state about blood clots and anything else I can think about, Does anyone else get like this??? Its really weird my hubby says to stop analizing it,
:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

02-01-08, 21:28
Bac, yep, I over analyze everything health wise.
I wish I could turn it off and just chill but not sure how to

Hopefully you will feel better soon


02-01-08, 21:31
I wish I too could switch it off and re;ax a bit more

We will get there eventually

02-01-08, 23:23
I've already got one or two health issues as it is but it doesn't stop me worrying about even more though ! All I do now is log on to this site and realise it's not only me. It's not a strength in numbers mentality, just a confirmation that I'm not alone and the symptons that I'm suffering from are more than likely anxiety/panic/depression related. Reading back, it shouldn't make me feel better, but it does put my worst fears to rest. I hope you get better soon, just don't be afraid to ask if you do think something's wrong !

02-01-08, 23:32

There is no reason for you to have a blood clot following a flu

Try to be rational about it - you had the flu and a bad cough and that is all.

I think you will find over 60% of people on here have it at the moment - I have my cough and cold symptoms for over 4 weeks now.

It will go in time - just try to accept it ok?

04-01-08, 19:31
Bac hi,

My chest muscles are that tight that when I coughed I pulled muscles all over. I am now aching all over my rib cage. Don't worry I am sure it will be something similar. When I think I am going to have a heart attack I take a asprin to get rid of the clot. Why not try a 75mg Asprin, it works for me just giving my brain that placebo effect.
