View Full Version : Registered for volunteer work

03-01-08, 10:08
Hi all

I want to get involved in something worthwhile. My job doesnt really satisfy me and I also wanted to meet new people as I've been having trouble settling into life here. I'm hoping if I socialise with new people and do something productive that it will help me feel better about myself and build my self-confidence.

So, I took the bull by the horns and went onto a volunteering website and registered with them. I enquired about a "drop-in volunteer" role with MIND, it would have to be late afternoon/evening and at the moment I only want to commit one day out of the week just because I tend to take on too much sometimes :blush:

The role is to provide company to the people who come in and apparently they have arts and crafts and games. It was one of the nearest places to me and I dont really want to travel too far at night or after a day at work. I am grateful for the help MIND have given me with my counsellor so far, so I would like to give something back and hopefully help other people feel better about themselves.

I'm just now really scared. Why?? I am worried in some ways it will make me feel worse if I am around other people who have mental health problems - can anyone relate to that? Or maybe something will trigger me off while I'm there and I wont be good to anyone :wacko:

This happens a lot of the time that I want to do something "new". I get scared and end up working myself up over it :wacko:

I know its a positive step. I guess I am just scared of the unknown. What's the worse that can happen though? I dont like it...well,then I find something else to volunteer at.

Damn my head!

03-01-08, 10:42
Well done! It doesn't hurt to try these things, if it doesn't work out then at least you gave it a go.

03-01-08, 13:46
Hi Lilith,

What a wonderful idea hun. I think you are going to be just fine. You will have loads of fun, and help people at the same time.

Don't panic over this, try it and if it doesn't work then you know in your heart that you tried.

Take care:hugs:

03-01-08, 13:55
Hi Lilth

What a real positive step for you hun:yesyes: , one of the first things i did when i was recovering from agorophobia was voluntary work. I worked voluntary in a day centre for elderly people whom suffered with dementia, it was one of the best things i ever did, it really helped me rebuild my confidnence, there where no pressures because it was voluntary but the work helped me prepare myself for paid work.

i hope it all goes well for you, im sure it will!:yesyes:


03-01-08, 14:02
oh Lil i am sooooo proud of you hun:hugs: you have taken a huge leap forward here ,and you are ALLOWED to be nervous..it is perfectly natural hun:hugs: I have been thinkin of doing somthing too in the voluntary sector so well done you fro actually doing it..not thinkin about it:yesyes: :yesyes: you will be an asset as you will truly understand the people you are helping..fab..you go girl..love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-01-08, 16:36
Hi Lilith,

Nerves are perfectly normal so try not to dwell on them or beat yourself up as you're doing really well. The beauty of voluntary work is that it's very relaxed and as you say, you can try something else if it isn't your cup of tea. I wish you the best of luck. :)

Take care,


Granny Primark
04-01-08, 20:14
Well done!!!!
I soooo want to do this myself but am nervous about it.
We live 1/2 mile away from each other. Please keep me informed as to how you are doing. I would be grateful for any information you can give me so that I too could do this.

Take care