View Full Version : Here we go again, again, again

03-01-08, 12:04
woke up again with this blinding headache, right across the front of my forehead. started shaking all over. very sick of this. Take care all sheree

03-01-08, 16:59
I'm so sorry you feel so bad Sheree. Are you feeling any better tonight?
Donna x

03-01-08, 17:02
Hi Donna, no my head is still splitting. i feel like its going to explode. what about yourself how are you today.sheree x

03-01-08, 17:02
Hi Sheree,

Hope that you are feeling better. Have you tried taking anything for your head ache??? Do you have a cold in the making or just getting over one??

Take Care

03-01-08, 17:06
Hi believe, nothing seems to shift the headache. i have them constant most days. this morning i woke up and my whole body started shaking even my head. i thought i was having a fit. everything is just getting worse and no one listens anymore. sorely tempted to phone nhs direct tonight but my hubby will just go berserk. he has no idea how much pain i am in. on the positive side i did go to focus and exchange a tin of paint. hated every minute of it though. just feel i am gonna pass out.x

03-01-08, 17:15
Oh Hun,

Have you tried hot compresses or steam. I know the shaking is scaring you try not to deal on it. Have you told your gp abou these, if so what have they said? Also have you had your eyes checked lately?

Glade you went to focus, at least you got out for awhile.

Take care XXXXXXXxx

03-01-08, 17:18
Have told my doc. she is really good. told her about my shaking but never had whole body shaking and flickering all at the same time. i went down one time when my head was splitting and all she said was you don't look too hot. had a ct scan almost 2 years ago now and all was clear so evrytime i mention anything she says your scan came back clear.x

03-01-08, 17:27
Hi i was also at the docs about a month ago, i was sitting in the waiting room and felt very very tired. when she called my name i went into room and i was so confused and went all lightheaded. the doc was checking my pulse as obviously it was beating very hard to get the blood flowing. she said it was because i was breathing in too deeply when she was listening to my chest. i did not have the energy to say well i feel like this all the time, so bang goes your theory.x

03-01-08, 18:43
Sorry To Hear Your Not To Good! Had A Pretty Awful Day Myself. Dragged Myself Out Of Bed To Go To Work And Since Lunch Have Been Feeling Faint, Weak, Shaky And Keep Getting This Blood Taste In My Saliva (there Is Light Blood There When This Happens)

Things Seemed To Be Improving But Real Down Today. Hope Your Feeling Better

03-01-08, 18:51
Thanks jon, sorry to hear you have had a rough afternoon. it is awful isn't it. i just feel as if i am stuck in limbo if that makes sense. take care sheree.x

03-01-08, 19:23
Makes total sence to me. one day im sure its anxiety the next ive a serious health problem. its so hard to understand whats going on especially when symptoms are so varied and come when your totally relaxed in fromt of the telly or walking round the shops completely distracted!

i have a good week and think im on top of it then bang its back. no matter what anyone says i just cant control it.

i know its not the answer but a couple of glasses of wine helps and if i the symptoms go when i have a drink i know its nothing serious thats wrong with me. Im definately not recommending alcohol it just helps me relax and know im not going to drop dead!

At the moment its this blood taste i get and faint colour in saliva when i get the taste thats getting me and i dont feel i can go to docs because hes just had it with me! its probably sinuses or wisdom teeth or something. its been with me for months now so i guess id have known by now if it was serious!

try a hot bath tonight with some good music