View Full Version : advice needed

03-01-08, 12:27
hello just looking for some advice...
I met a lovely guy on new year's eve and we are going for a drink tonight and im really nervous. i'm not great going to pubs, worried im going to panic on him.
i met him at a house party so it was a totally different situation, im driving he was going to but i changed his mind. Do you think i should let him know how i am? eck!!!!
I really think this could go somewhere and i dont want to let the opportunity pass, ive not been out on a date for years because of my anxiety, im only 23 so i should really get back into the dating scene!
Jen x

03-01-08, 12:51
Aww hun that's great news :D

I agree with how Lolly went about it - I wouldnt talk about it straight away, drop hints here and there. Its not like you're deceiving him by not telling him everything on the first date, but its better that you gage the situation to see if the relationship is heading anywhere first.

Are you excited?? I use to love the anticipation of first dates (not that I have been on one in ages but there you go!).

Try and relax and don't feel like you have anything to prove with him, try and be yourself, as that is all anyone can ask of you :) xxxx

03-01-08, 12:59
thanks girls!
Im half excited, half nervous. I know if I can just relax i'll be fine! Ive dropped afew hints already but I'll see how it goes!
luckily he's a really chilled out guy so im hoping that will rub off on me!xx