View Full Version : Here for help

03-01-08, 16:22
Well here I am having found this place from another site and it looks like it covers everything I have!

Let me tell you a bit about myself first. I'm 33 married with two great kids. I have what most people consider and good job being self employed (I do not consider it much fun!) and a nice house and very little it would seem to be down about.

I once remember saying to my Dad who had suffered some form of breakdown that I would never suffer from any form of mental problem like he or my Mum ,who did and still suffers from panic attacks, did, I just wasn't that sort of person...how wrong I was!

I used to be very care free, considered good fun and would spend little time worrying about what if anything I had done wrong.

It all started to change nearly 9 years ago. Unfortunately my Dad died very suddenly from a heart attack aged 51. We worked together and socialised together and he was not just my Dad but my friend, so it was a massive blow and was made even worse by another 5 family deaths in a few years. It was a very bad time.

After he died I was obviously very upset but the first Christmas after he died, my mental state started to change. I started to feel anxious in social situations and then came the fear I was going to have a heart attack. I would get bad chest pains, pins and needles, heart racing etc and was convinced I was dieing. This lasted for a good few months and came back from time to time over the next few years. I still have a massive fear of dieing and being ill.

I also am now a very negative and pessimistic which was not me but I just can't shake it and have very dark thoughts and moods.

When the heart worry was less I started to suffer more from anxiety and it was really bad when I was away from home. I still dread going away and the hours spent in the loo or room worried that I can't cope with normal everyday situations. I have managed to put up with this over the years have just accepted it and avoid going away when i can.

I also seemed to suffer badly from anxiety the next day after a few to many to drink. I realise that I probably drank too much and I'm working on cutting down. I accepted that the alcohol was partly to blame and this seemed to make me happy knowing the feeling would go away.

Unfortunately, over the last few months, the frequency has been getting worse and I have developed this fear about not being close to a loo. If I am not it sends me into more of a panic and I feel really uneasy and my stomach starts to go.

Just before Christmas everything came to a head one day after a night out. I went to pick my daughters up from school and had a major panic attack. Then the next day I couldn't play golf with my friends which I enjoyed and the feeling of anxiety and a sense of foreboding was unbelievable. This carried on for the next few days and I dragged myself to the doctors.

I told him that I just felt I couldn't cope with normal everyday things and just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep. He has given me some tablets and I have an appointment with a councilor next week.

I managed to do what I feared over Christmas with massive effort and not really enjoying anything. I went Christmas shopping, had people over Christmas Day and went away for a few days which was the hardest as I had a car journey (no loo) a panto and dinner with strangers every night, all things I was dreading.

I just cant help thinking about it, feeling down, feeling anxious and just having this sense of foreboding and negativity. I don't seem to have any energy be able to motivate myself to do anything and don't look forward to anything. I feel muzzy and every little ache or pain buts me on edge.

Will it ever go away!!

Thanks for reading.

03-01-08, 17:27
Your story sounds a lot like mine. I lost my dad 2 1/2 years ago very suddenly and unexpectedly and I also constantly fear I have heart problems or am having a stroke.
I hope your counselling helps and I'm sure it will. In the mean time and while you're receiving treatment, know that a lot of people on this site can and will help to encourage you and calm you down. I've only been a member a few days and have already found it a massive help.

03-01-08, 18:05
Hi Greg, yes it sounds like depression, and there are many ways it can be helped. At least you've made the first steps towards helping yourself, so you haven't given up. There's still fight in you and a keeness to live life to the full, so go along with any therapy that sounds hopeful and give it your best shot and have patience... you'll get there.
Best wishes... take care

03-01-08, 19:03
Hi Greg welcome to the group,you have found a great place for support here.You will recover from this Greg,cognitive therapy is a great way through,i also have been studying a free course called beating the blues at the library which i find very helpful.I have been suffering panic attacks for many years but they are far worse at times of stress,i am currently back on here after runnng myself into the ground running my own business,looking after two children all on my own.
I wish you all the courage in dealing with this,it will get better

03-01-08, 19:11
Hi Greg,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

03-01-08, 19:20
Hello Greg:welcome: to you!

First of all - Well Done for getting through Christmas admirably! You may not think so but that was a great achievement, given your state of anxiety.:yesyes:

Must agree with you on the drink issue! Since I became a sufferer (a recovering one!) my anx and panic went through the roof if I had too much in one go - thankfully I've found an acceptable level now without having to cut it out altogether!

You have done absolutely the right thing by going to your GP. The combination of meds and a good counsellor did it for me, and I hope it does for you too.

You'll get plenty of help and support from us all here - have you had a look at the links on the left hand side of this page yet? Some good information there, and personal accounts.

Hope this new year heralds the beginning of progress toward recovery for you - there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel......

Take care - pleased to meet you!


03-01-08, 21:13
Hi Greg,
Ive only just joined myself and found your post very interesting and can empathise with alot of what you have said and how you feel.
I think a certain amount of anxiety is hereditary. My Dad has OCD and my mum is a crazy worrier although neither have ever sought any help and as I get older I can see some of their 'problems' in me although i would never in a million years have thought i would ever suffer from anxiety.
I hope this site helps you. Its been a comfort to me in the last week or so.

03-01-08, 21:23
Hi Greg,

Welcome to NMP. Hope that you make friends and get great advice.
Hope to see you around.

03-01-08, 21:25
Hi Greg and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. What you've described about yourself is all very common in terms of anxiety with many people feeling the same so you aren't alone. Well done on coping over Christmas, it's so hard to plough through times like that when you just don't feel like it. I hope you feel better soon and think the combination of your doctor and counselling is very good.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-01-08, 21:42
hi greg i only found this site a few days ago and already it has made me feel a bit better knowing im not alone i get palpitations and fear i will die this started some years ago when i had a big ectopic heart beat and it scared me and also like you i too get more anxious after i have had a drink when i get anxious i can get palpitations for days on end i have to go docs next week cos im having them now which has lasted all christmas but i feel a little better knowing this site is here for when i get really bad and i hope it helps you too which i know it will:)

03-01-08, 22:29
Hi Greg

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

There are loads of things you can do for yourself as well so have a read of the First Steps page on the website on the left.

Hope we can be of some help.

04-01-08, 01:46

04-01-08, 09:10
Wow I can't believe so many people take time to read and reply thanks to you all for the positive thoughts.

It does make you feel better knowing that your not going mad and others are in the same boat (I wish you weren't).

Anyway, Im starting to be a bit more positive about getting better, and went out last night something I wasn't looking forward to. I actually had a fairly good time...so I can still enjoy myself.

I just need to stop thinking about it and stop worrying about what if i had this or what would happen if that happened or if i done this or that...bloody mind!

When I do get my mind off of it for a while I feel so much more relaxed and the citalopram seem to have stopped the worst panic attacks. They just make me feel a bit light headed and tired which puts me on edge but maybe that is that mind upto its tricks again.

I will keep you posted and hope I have news of a happy outcome soon.

04-01-08, 09:17
You seem to be taking the right steps Greg you are still getting out there and doing things which is a big help.

The Citalopram will make you feel light headed at first its one of the side effects but it will soon wear off.

Best wishes and keep it up!

04-01-08, 09:32
Hi Greg

Just wanted to say welcome to the forum, you will find a great deal of support here and the people who offer it are pretty great too ;)


04-01-08, 11:42
hi greg welcome to the site. ive been here for about 5 months and am so glad i found it it has helped me so much and im sure it will be helpful to you to. ive been sufferering health anxiety for the last two years. it came on after i also had 5 family death in 6 years and also try to help my partener who has been haveing anx and panic attacks since his dad died 7 years ago. my biggest fear is cancer and dieing. everyone here has been so great and helpful to me. if you feel up to it come into the chat room and have a talk it realy helps . i wish you all he best for the new year.

04-01-08, 20:34

What an inspirational thread.

We are all going through the same may be not today may be not tommorow but some day. It is sadly part of life, death that is, We are not brought up with any skills how to deal with our loved ones departing this mortal coil. Something should be put in to the curriculum to help kids grieve. Having a spiritual view on life can help with dealing with the inevitable. The west is so conditioned that we are going to live until we are old that when we dont we can not cope. It wasn't long ago that the average life expectancy was 40. We should be happy that we have increased this. Instead we are all suffering from mental illness because we were so wrapped up in life that we forgot about death. My parents are terminally ill at the mo and I know it won't be long...I have developed a belief in reincarnation and so feel that soon there suffering will be over.

I hope this helps a little.

Spirituality was developed to help us cope with the hardest knocks in life. Why not adopt the skill.

It is helping me reduce my anxiety.


05-01-08, 08:40
Welcome, Greg :D
