View Full Version : Binge Drinking?

03-01-08, 17:44
Don't know if any of you's saw the programme on TV last night "The Truth About Binge Drinking" It showed Michelle Heaton having anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, depression etc etc... I think this is what caused my anxiety disorder, the mistake I made was to shy away and be scared etc, this eventually lead to agorphobia, Michelle got on with her life etc and is now fine. While I since quit drinking the damage has been done as I'm left with anxiety.

Whats your thoughts, could it be binge drinking that has left me like thsi?

03-01-08, 17:55
Hey Sam

I'm not sure on the long term effects of alcohol on anxiety. It wouldnt surprise me if it does contribute, just like other drugs can.

I am more mindful when I go out drinking now. I go slower and tend to drink things which I know wont get me drunk quickly. I have had lapses where for one reason or another, I have felt anxious and just not really thought about how much I have drunk and I have ended up in a real state. Next day is worse as I feel so low.

Saying that though, was there something behind your binge drinking? It may not be so much that the alcohol has left you with anxiety, but its increased your feelings of anxiety about particular things? Maybe the drinking helped you to "cope" in some ways and now you have given it up, you are left with nothing as a coping mechanism.

But well done for giving up, that's a great step, and dont think for one minute you'd be better off on the drink xxx

03-01-08, 19:08
I know this is going to make me sound really sad but i watched an episode of the reality programme about Michelle Heaton when she got married about a year ago. In this she had started fainting and getting palpitations and was referred to a Cardiologist to get checked out. In the end this was put down to stress and anxiety about the wedding. Somehow it seems she may have been prone to feeling like this.

Lolly X X
Possibly so, but if she is she is an inspiration to the rest of us as she's out getting on with life instead of worrying about anxiety,

04-01-08, 16:46
Alcohol can certainly have negative effects. I'm not one for holding back when I go out and although I don't suffer from anxiety anymore (I do still have social issues) I'm often left feeling a little anxious with a low mood for a couple of days after a night out. And if you're prone to these problems, over time it could act as a trigger.

A trigger is all it is though and you're not going to suffer permanent mental changes because of the alcohol. It's just that the spiral of anxiety is a difficult one to get out of. It's a powerful experience that leaves an imprint on your mind which isn't erased easily.

So yeah, it could have played a role (possibly along with many other things) but it's not something that can't be undone.