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03-01-08, 18:59
i am really worried as i discovered a lump on the upper part of my right breast, and the doctor told me to go away for two weeks, however it hasnt gone so went back, and i am getting referred. but the doctor really scared me when he says it is quite an obvious lump but movable, so i will get reffered promptly. i am 28 and have suffered years with panic attacks and severe anxiety, im finding it difficult to think positive now, and trying to fight negative thoughts. how long does it take to be reffered and do you get the results there and then?


03-01-08, 19:27
Hi there :)

I suffered with a lump in the breast about 2 years ago now so I would have been 32, I too was upset and terrified at the same time...

My doctor referred me and my appointment was through within a week or so, they gave me a straight forward ultra sound scan which revealed said lump to be a cyst :) and they actually saw a couple more that I couldn't feel.

They recommended I come off the monthly contraceptive injection which I did.

Mine was and still is moveable.

2 years later it's still the same size.

Your doctor has done the right thing in referring you and although the wait is so unpleasant and you will worry be reassured that it will be thoroughly investigated :) and results are discussed there and then.

I was told a statistic that only 8 out of 10 breast lumps are cancerous, the statistics as well as your young age are I'm sure greatly in your favour.

Take Care


03-01-08, 20:05
Hi Hun
I know how your feeling though its such a worry. I found a lump when I was 20 (im 50 now) and my lump moved around, and was like the size of a marble and my doctor sent me home saying it was a mouse (as he called it) and was nothing to worry about (how nieve i was back then).
Then last july I found a lump in same place but it didnt move around and I felt sick with worry, I was convinced it was cancer, but i forced myself go to my doc, he got me reffered staight away to the local hospital and i had a mammogram and ultrasound withing 10 days. It turned out to be fatty tissue. They give you the results there and then so you dont have to go home and wait and worry. Was such a relief. Its so important to check it out, and Im sure you'll be fine too.
Im really sorry to have to say this but I think your doctor should be ashamed of himself sending you away for 2 weeks...thats a disgrace and he is totally disgusting, hasnt he heard of 'duty of care'.
I wish you lots of luck and all the best. Let us know how you get on
Hugs:hugs: :hugs:

03-01-08, 20:47

Just wonted to say i know how you feel and the not knowing is the worst, i have a pea size lump under my right arm its moveable and i have had this for 5 years, the doctor back then told me it was a cyst but just recently i had it checked by another doctor and he freaked me out saying it need to be checked out, this put me in to a right panic so mi went back to the doctor i orginally saw later that evening and he put my mind at rest that it was actually a cyst.
But the panic i felt from the other doctor made me really scared and neally mashed up my christmas

So be strong i bet all will be well

03-01-08, 21:08
A moveable lump is not likely to be anything bad, fixed lumps are of more concern but are still unlikely to be cancer. Most breast lumps are not cancer.

04-01-08, 12:52
went through a similar situation a couple of weeks ago! don't get to down about it it's normal to refer certain lumps as you have read more then not they are not cancerious but I know how you feel. It's that sick feeling inside your tummy which doesn't want to go away.

Hope you are refered quickly so it can put your mind at rest!

Take care,

04-01-08, 15:28
heya, i had a breast ultrasound too a couple of years ago (age 25). was nothing, i just have lumpy breasts (!). they said the vast majority of lumps in young women were nothing to worry about. you should get an appointment within 2 weeks.

all the best

jess xxx

04-01-08, 19:26
thanx for all you responses, it really helps when others know how you feel as my other half dosent know what to say!!. im really trying to think positive, even though its a struggle when you have health anxiety. when something like this happens i tend to lose intrest in any hobbies, and get that sick twinge feeling in my tummy. i sometimes think god how would i cope if i actually did get diagnosed with a disease, i know it cant be easy for anyone that does, but im scared i would lose control and go into constant panic attacks. anyway i,ll keep you posted. Thanks again to everyone who responded.

19-02-08, 18:45
been to the specialist, and they thought it may be lumpy breast tissue, but nothing sisnister, big releif. however this was 3 weeks ago and havent been feeling the lump delibrately to take my mind of it, but in past few days i keep feeling a sensation like a tightening feeling where the lump is, like there is something there. i keep thinking now that they have missed something. i thought i was clearing my mind untill this, and i have added pressure to attend a wedding next week in new york! dont feel like going now.

19-02-08, 19:15
If you've been to a specialist and they aren't concerned, you should really try not to worry. I know that's easier said than done, but you have to trust the doctors. If you are really bothered by it though, you can always get a second opinion. I think you're totally fine. Doctors don't mess around with that kind of thing and if they were at all concerned, they would have sent you for further tests. As far as the tightening sensation...you are probably focusing on that area, making you hyper-aware of everything. I read a book on anxiety once that demonstrated this....Put your right thumb up and concentrate on that thumb for a couple minutes. Try to clear everything else from your mind and focus all your energy on your thumb. Before long, you'll notice different sensations in your thumb. And that's probably what's happening with your breast. Finally, go to the wedding! It'll take your mind off things!

20-02-08, 09:59
If you've been to a specialist and they aren't concerned, you should really try not to worry. I know that's easier said than done, but you have to trust the doctors. If you are really bothered by it though, you can always get a second opinion. I think you're totally fine. Doctors don't mess around with that kind of thing and if they were at all concerned, they would have sent you for further tests. As far as the tightening sensation...you are probably focusing on that area, making you hyper-aware of everything. I read a book on anxiety once that demonstrated this....Put your right thumb up and concentrate on that thumb for a couple minutes. Try to clear everything else from your mind and focus all your energy on your thumb. Before long, you'll notice different sensations in your thumb. And that's probably what's happening with your breast. Finally, go to the wedding! It'll take your mind off things!

I second this.

I can sympathse with you though. Only 3 weeks ago I was at the hospital getting a lump checked out. I also have lumpy breasts (they call it fibrocystic) anyway, my lump is a cyst and I've been told that there is nothing of concern. But, like you, I'm worried they've missed something.

I think this is a normal feeling once you've gone through all the stress of tests and results. I think the brain needs time to calm down and become rationale again :wacko:

Try and relax and just tell yourself that all is well. If there was anything of concern, you'd of been rushed through and dealt with.