View Full Version : This a new one saffron for depression anxiety/panic !!!!

03-01-08, 23:05
Been on a site for information on saint john wort, and came across this thead for saffton, it was very intresting, 2mg of saffron will last 6 days taken twice a day its none toxic no side affects!!! and will reduce depression and anxiety, go on site and have a read.
www.sjwinfo.org (http://www.sjwinfo.org) go on thread for cebt therapy,books.excercise.meditation. your find it under saffron.
googled saffron herb, had some good info. on www.babysaffron.com (http://www.babysaffron.com) it sayes u can take 50mg saffron dissolved in mik with spoon saugar or honey, and its a tonic so it must be safe
any one else heard about this or tried it.
