View Full Version : Anxiety levels sky high :(

04-01-08, 01:18

I posted a thread recently about some physical symptoms I have been having, blood in phlegm, and how my doctor arranged a precautionary chest x-ray and has referred me to the ENT specialist to find out where it's coming from...

I had the chest x-ray on Wednesday and have to contact my doctor in a week to ten days for an appointment for the results...

I cannot sleep, my chest, neck and shoulders are tight, I am having adrenaline surges in the pit of my stomach and I generally am so wound up I think I could spin if someone was to hit a release button :weep:

Those symptoms are my anxiety, I know, I recognise them.

I can't/won't take meds as I am pharmacophobic...
I am really struggling here tonight, to keep it together :weep:

I have even opened a can of lager in the hope it might chill me out a little and I never drink...Well not never, but if I have 6-8 cans a year thats about it...

I have taken a brief look in the natural remedies section but am still petrified of trying anything, I won't even use bach's rescue remedy...

Just wanted a rant really, I know this is a good place to be when I feel like this, I just wish I could sleep on the forum lol

A very anxious, despondant Jo :weep:

04-01-08, 02:30
Hello Jo,

If it was anything urgent, I'm quite sure they wouldn't keep you waiting. However, you can always ring the surgery and ask the receptionist to get the doctor to give you a call after surgery. The doctors at our surgery always ring back if asked. It would reassure you and stop you worrying. I have a feeling that the receptionist can also tell you the results but I'm not sure. I would ring the surgery.:hugs:

04-01-08, 11:53
Hi Jo :hugs: hope your feeling a bit better today hun. :hugs: xxx

04-01-08, 22:27
Thank you both Bill and Mandy xx

I appreciate it and after starting back at work today I feel a bit better :)

My anxiety always seems worse when I am off work on holidays and after two weeks off I think it was at it's height last night...

I don't really like my own company much and being busy today helpedtake my mind off it :)

Thanks again xxx

04-01-08, 23:36
Hi Jo,
just to help put your mind at rest. I had chest x rays a couple of weeks ago and im still waiting for the results. When I phoned the surgery they still haven't got them but i was told that the radiologist who takes the x rays always checks them straight away and they are then fast tracked if there is anything obvious on them and your GP would be contacted straight away. If there is nothing obvious to the radiologist then the x rays just go on the other pile to be double checked by the doctor in due course.
I am therefore sure yours are going to be fine!