View Full Version : feeling sick again

celia davies
04-01-08, 11:50
I keep feeling sick at different times all through the day it worsens when i eat i have a weird feeling in my stomach like theres something in there an it leads up my throat it feels horrible is this anxiety

04-01-08, 14:01
I have been feeling sick the last couple of days too. It's a nauseous feeling in my stomach - I have woken up with it which is a bit unnerving. I do eat my breakfast, but I have to force myself to because eating doesnt help either.

I would think its anxiety hun - people can have differing symptoms with anxiety and I often get feelings of sickness, but I also get headaches (probably tension headaches). I dont know why the symptoms vary - would be helpful if they stayed the same so we wouldnt get so worried about it :)

Have you tried just chilling out on the sofa or lying down - maybe listening to some music? Or do something which you know will distract you, like reading. If you take you mind off the feelings, they usually diminish xxxx

04-01-08, 14:14
just been to docs about the same thing today
they have just given me anti-sickness meds
not sure wether they will help though
i know what a horrible feeling it is!!!!!

celia davies
04-01-08, 18:12
Thank you these replies have really been a big help,an i know how you feel ive been sat in the dark all day suffering from a headache! I have a baby boy to and i feel so helpless cause its hard to do things when i feel like this x

04-01-08, 19:42
hi celia
i know how hard it is to try and get on with looking after the children,hubby:D and holding down a job etc when you are feeling this way it really is the pits.
i really do hate feeling sick it just makes me feel so yukkkkk!
have you been docs to get something for it?

04-01-08, 19:46
Have you seen the news lately? There is a nasty sickness bug going round which is closing hospital wards. I am sure the two are linked.

Don't worry. Keep drinking plenty.


celia davies
05-01-08, 15:49
Its stupid but i try an hold the doctors off because i always think there gonna tell me somethink bad x