View Full Version : Everyone's Ill around me!!

04-01-08, 20:00
Is it just me or is everyone around me suffering. Everyday I hear of someone or someone who knows someone who is either in hospital, has cancer, having tests, dead. I know I am sensitive to bad health news but I just can't seem to get away from true bad health news. I am actually quiet relived when I am on this forum as most of us are suffering from imagined illness. This seems the safest place to be at the moment. May be I have just reached that age where everone around me are getting ill. It sends my anxiety through the roof....when is it my turn?

I want to get back to where I was 2 years ago.

All the best.


05-01-08, 21:47
I am so sorry that so many around you are ill. It defintely makes us take a step and realize how many people out there are truly dealing with the things we fear the most.
I guess all we can do is take each day and be thankful that we are still here and not suffering as badly as others,

05-01-08, 22:37
It's true...I thought it was just because I am getting older...everytime I pick up the phone this fall and winter somebody wants to tell me about someone else with Cancer and what their symptoms were...then lo and behold within a day I'm feeling the pains in the same place....almost makes we want to become a hermit and stop talking to anyone.


05-01-08, 23:49
Hi Andy,

I know what you mean it seems like it's always in the papers as well about how many people have got this, or are dying from that. It freaks me out big time but I can't stop reading papers, bad news sells. Sometimes I read all the articles about people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I just want to cry.

But I guess there is an up side, and I should take my own advice. The only problems we face are with our Anxiety, I wish there was an off switch for bad news, it would be nice to hear some sucesses in life sometimes.

Take care,

06-01-08, 00:08
You're right....I look forward to the day when we can here that kind of news and not internalise it.



06-01-08, 00:50
Hi Mee,

I dont think everyone else around you is ill I think your health anxiety mind is making you focus on everyone around you being ill and your only interested in those that is ill am I right??? I remember being like this about 3 years ago. I stopped watching tv, reading magazines and going out etc for fear of hearing or seeing someone being ill and when I did go out and heard of someones illness I even asked their symptoms etc and by the morning I had them :wacko: You are not alone in your thoughts :hugs: xxx

06-01-08, 01:32
This is exactly how i feel! and oh how i wish i could go back 2 or 3 years in my life!
To make things worse for me, my wife has breast cancer, so i really can't get away from it!

06-01-08, 17:28
Thanks Mandy - its good to know of someone coming out the other end. Take care.

WDW - Sorry to hear that, I hope all the best for your wife.

Thanks we will pull through this with our support network!!!


06-01-08, 18:49
i think manmoor is very right
i allways look at how many people around me are ill and think omg, but when i sit and think about it lots of ppl around me are doing realy well to infact more so than ill so i guess we do take in more about ppls problems with there health

jodie xxx

06-01-08, 22:26
I agree

I am looking for illness. I tune in to it on the the radio,TV,Newspapers...etc. Whats worrying is that I find myself strangely drawn to that news it almost masochistic. I find myself reading the article and then shuddering at the thought of having that illness. I ask people about the full detail about someone they say is Ill. I wish I was not drawn to illness news. I suppose it is a bit like watching a horror film. I seem to want to test my anxiety levels, sadly the anxiety always wins.


06-01-08, 22:57
I am the same Mee, if i hear some news that someone is ill or has died i tend to want to find out the details to look for some kind of reassurance, i am constantly battling against this! The only way i can deal with it is distraction, but even thats difficult, if i'm watching a film health matters can come into that!