View Full Version : Patience!

05-01-08, 03:53
This is something we're not good at!:winks:

We want the feelings to stop overnight. We get so frustrated with ourselves because we can't stop them. We tense ourselves up making ourselves even more stressed. We end up feeling so low with no hope that we break down in tears. We see no point fighting them. We want to give up.......and all because we're impatient and want the symptoms to stop overnight because they scare us so much.

It's a natural reaction because the symptoms are horrible! However, by being impatient we make ourselves feel worse.:weep:

If we react with patience and learn not to allow them to wind us up then the symptoms Will disappear overnight. By working ourselves up, we keep the feelings alive. It's what they want us to do because they enjoy scaring us! Don't let them bully you and say to yourselves "I Don't Care how you're making me feel". Be patient and the symptoms Will give up overnight! :hugs:

05-01-08, 10:12
Bill, I have been the way you describe, so often and am close to tears now as I type this. So I am going to have to be patient and not care how I am feeling arent I.

You are right about the feelings disappearing over night though because I was first like this when I was 19 years old (31 years ago!) and I was a thousand times worse!! It was dreadful. Thought my life was well and truly over. But after a year or so, for no apparent reason and without explanation, the symptoms left me over night and had completely vanished!!!!! It was the best moment of my life!!!!

You are right, if I am getting worked up about it, it will keep the feelings alive. Thanks for reminding me of that Billl. I am going to have to do my best to not let these feelings bully me arent I?

So this morning I had seen (again) that patience, distraction and positive thinking are the key to recovery.


05-01-08, 12:00
Thanks Bill your Post came up just at the right time for me. This morning I woke up feeling so fed up with the anxiety, I have come so far but not far enough and this morning I woke up with the feeling that everything was so impossible. After reading your post I am calming down and taking your advise, be patient, it is the only way.

Thank you Bill you probably saved me from a day of destruction.


05-01-08, 12:24
Hi Carol, Me too!!! I have probably been saved from a day of destruction too. I know just how you are feeling Carol.

Take Care

05-01-08, 18:56
Great posting Bill.

I am having to be very patient at the moment lol. I am focusing on telling the panic monster that I am not scared of him any more. Trouble is this one is a rather big panic monster and he seems to not be scared of me!!!!! Lol. He just doesn't listen to a word I say.

Not strictly true actually because the more I do pay less attention to the monster I have noticed that he retreats a lot with his tail between his legs!!

Love to all.

Patience is indeed a virtuex

06-01-08, 01:51
Learning patience can certainly help to keep symptoms under control but it is only part of a much bigger package used to re-train the mind into a new way of thinking and the bigger picture needs A Lot of determination and patience.

I do think though that if we can make tiny steps so that we gradually feel better, we feel we're getting somewhere so the patience will come naturally because with each step taken we feel a success!

With each success, our confidence builds and so we feel stronger and more capable. Our fears gradually subside because we've learnt how to tackle our fears and so when we do experience a bad day, we don't let it get us down and we learn to move on without it dragging us back. :hugs:

06-01-08, 11:20
Hi Bill, I agree, Tiny steps help build our confidence so we gradually feel better and then the patience will come naturally when we see we are doing being successful. Yes with each success our confidence will build so we will feel more stronger and capable. Thats how its always worked for me - I have been this way 4 times in 30 years now!! This is the longest time I have "suffered" with it though. So this is why I need to get some patience and take some more steps forward.

Thanks Bill
x x x