View Full Version : I am the only one that sleeps with the TV on?

05-01-08, 05:04
Its the only way i can sleep at night. I think i hafta watch it to try to keep my mind off of everything. If the tv is off i have some of my worst attacks. Is that weird? I used to try to sleep without the tv all the time but i gave up on that idea, its not worth it.

05-01-08, 09:33
i do this, at least i have to fall asleep with it on and then my partner turns it off before he goes to sleep!

You're not alone!

05-01-08, 09:56
Your certainly not alone hun. Im get grief from my husband as i fall sleep leaving the tv and my laptop on every night, it usually wakes him up so he gets up and switches tv off. But...if he wakes me up switching off i put it back on again as soon as he's asleep as i have trouble going back over once im woken up.
Tv comforts me...it keeps me company, eventhough he's asleep beside me i feel lonely when im feeling anxious. Better than popping pills isnt it...:winks:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

05-01-08, 09:59
Me too,

I have a lot of sleep problems, nightmares and night time panic attacks. I find the TV helps things feel a bit more real and distracting when I wake up in terror.

I was worried that this might be a bad idea, I spose it does occasionally wake me up and cause bizarre dreams if I leave it on a channel with lots of stuff on.

I've talked about this with my doc, therapists and various other profs. They all think it's absolutely fine and a good idea.

I think the important thing for good sleep is a good routine and make sure you don't watch things before bed that are going to get your adrenaline going. Like horror or action movies, that type of thing. I am one of those strange people that love having the big brother live on while they are sleeping. :blush:

Jim :hugs:

05-01-08, 12:04
hi! good, im not the only one doing this, actually, ive even taken this a step further...lolol...if thats possible....

my husband has kindly let me move our matress to the loungeroom (no tv in the bedroom) and so we have been sleeping on it on the loungeroom floor for months...lolol.......we leave the remotes just above our heads on the couch so whoever gets woken by tv in the night turns it off..(its never me)...if i wake with bad dreams/anxiety etc..i just turn it back on with the volume down low....plus we have the wireless laptop by the bed in case i have a freak out n need to write it on here...

i think tv is fine as long as no horror movies are on...it distracts my thoughts when im feel wacko..lolol

my little brother lives with us, and seems ok with us in the lounge room, its a big room, with nice big windows looking out at teh trees out the back, so nice to wake up in.....

i totally know what you mean leslya, even with company still feel alone and scared....cant stop my fears going over in my mind....used to like the night too.....

Rachey poos
05-01-08, 14:50
You are def not on your own here.... this prob has actualy split me and hubby into seperate rooms... and im only 35....we are like hamsters ...we just meet to mate !!!!!! lol...... jokes aside!!! i have had the same prob... there is no tv in the spare room so i have the comp screen saver bobbin about and the sound of the fan on the comp helps.... know exactly where u comin from!

05-01-08, 15:21
I do this too!

05-01-08, 20:53
oooh I do this indeed even though a lot of my workshops for anx say I shouldn't. It just helps me go to sleep because my mind is not wondering. I just like the sounds.

05-01-08, 21:30
Oo since me and my boyfriend broke up iv been sleeping with the TV on. At 1st I thought it was weird that it provided so much comfort, but when I look back iv always done things like this ...
When we were together I used to make my bf watch movies or TV in bed while I went to sleep then he would turn it off when I was asleep.
When I was little I used to go in my mums room while she was drying her hair to listen to the noise the hairdryer makes ... like white noise, I also like the heating/fan we had in the bedroom that made the same kind of noise.

Its all comforting! duno why tho:shrug:

05-01-08, 22:15
i also have the tv on .

love sandy xxx

06-01-08, 21:17
Your deffo not alone. I have had a TV on at night ever since my first marriage broke up. I have continured to leave it on with my current partner. He doesn't mind because he only sleeps for a few hours each night. Must say we have a sleep timer on the TV, so it's never on when I wake up. It's very rare that I can get to sleep without the TV on. I certainly struggle when I go on holiday.

Kate C
06-01-08, 21:29
Yep! The noise is comforting somehow...


Kate C
06-01-08, 21:36
Sorry, I meant Yep Me Too!!!

06-01-08, 23:14
I have my laptop switched on at the side of my bed most nights, and when i'm on holiday my PSP is on standby.

07-01-08, 18:26
I always fall asleep with the Tv on timer, my hubby did moan as he is up at 4 am, so I bought him a mask and its sorted out the problems.

You are not alone.

07-01-08, 22:00
Me too

I always fall asleep in front of the telly. I thought it was a male thing but if I wake up and go to bed I then cannot sleep. I went to asda and bought a tiny radio with headphones for £2 and now i listen to classic FM to go to sleep but I usually wake up been strangled by the headphones. I did see a superb speaker cushion which is clear for the person lying on it but completley silent for your partner may be its time to upgrade.


13-01-08, 00:29

im exactly the same feel that i cant sleep without the tv on and i have to go on my laptop everynight as well and when i stay at my boyfriends house i think im gunna go mad cuz i cant do it there.

I always thought i was strange and the only one to do this


x :yesyes:

13-01-08, 16:05
i also sleep with tv on and a light i hate the dark tc elaine xx