View Full Version : Awww Man, here i go again, PANIC! Warning: female problem

05-01-08, 06:52
So here it is 1am and i'm paniced again. I'm trying to fight some kind of infection or something down in my "uh um" area. Not sure whether its yeast or something else cuz i didn't go to the dr of course, i just talked to my friend thats a herbalist and he gave me some things to do which seemed to work for a little bit but now the pain is back tonight. So now i'm worried that this infection could be staph or something and it could kill me. It could right? Especially if its staph. Or the infection could spread to the rest of my body and end up in the heart and killing me. I know i should go to the dr and i was going to but we had to pay to get our electric turned back on cuz it was cut off this morning but happily its back on but that leaves us no money for anything else. I'm doing all kinds of "natural" remedies but to no avail:weep:

05-01-08, 07:04
Oh and by the way,,,,,,,i googled,,,,,,,i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't have but when i'm obsessing over something i almost can't help it. But now i'm sure i have vaginal cancer:weep:

05-01-08, 09:28
oh sweet,

ok, first things first, i know easier said than done but try not to panic!
What are your symptoms? If you have an infection down there you will more than likely need antibiotics to clear it up so going to see your doctor monday will be a good thing! Even if its not an infection they may prescribe soething for you and it will hopefully put your mind at ease.

Until monday ride it out and see whether it goes away, you're not going to die, so stop worrying about that, it can wait till monday at least!
I know how tempting it is to google and believe me i have done it alot of times...everytime and for any problem, the solution always seems to be cancer! You should get this checked out but I don't think you have cancer hun.

Hope you feel better asap

xxxxxxx Cassi xxxxxxx

05-01-08, 16:11
Hi Panicagain,

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. What are your symotoms? There may be something over the counter at drug store that you can take.

Hope that you feel better soon. Drink lots of water and try some cranberry juice, they will help fuse your system out.

Take Care

05-01-08, 17:34
Symptoms: Vaginal Pain! and alittle bit of discharge

No One can seem to figure out what the problem is which is why i automatically fear the worst. Thats the way cancer goes. My brother fought for several months with mysterious back pain untill they finally found out it was bone cancer, then 3 months later he died at 32 yrs old:weep:

05-01-08, 21:42
Defintely dont google!!! I shouldnt talk because I spend alot of time googling but I know it makes things so much worse!!!
I am sorry for the loss of your brother, that must have been really hard.
I have no idea what the infection could be but I am almost certain that you will be ok! Try not to focus on it if you can. Just stay busy on here or talking to someone instead of focusing on it. If you need someone to chat with let me know!