View Full Version : Ok, help!

05-01-08, 08:23
I'm going on a trip on Monday. Travelling is the worst trigger of anxiety for me.

It started with me being achy from sleeping on my friend's couch. Then I started poking around at my lower back, to try to make it stop hurting. Then I realised one side is more lumpy than the other and seems to have an extra bone or something. So I keep on poking. Each time I give up, thinking it's normal to not be completely symmetrical. Then I start poking again 10 minutes later. Well now my back hurts even more than it did before!!!! And I'm scared that I have a serious illness, and I won't be able to go to the Doctors for 3 weeks, because of this trip.

How do I calm down? Why is one side of me different to the other? What the he** do I do now???

05-01-08, 12:29
It is normal to be non symmetrical! You have different body organs in different sides of your body and different fat distrabution etc

You're fine :hugs: Have a great trip :flowers:

05-01-08, 23:53
Thanks, I will try!