View Full Version : Hypnotherapy

05-01-08, 14:32
Has anyone here had any success with hypnotherapy?

I was watching a programme last night on one of the freeview channels about Paul McKenna, and his use of hypnosis to treat a number of people with various phobias and addictions.

He treated one woman who was agoraphobic, and although it took a few sessions, eventually she was able to hapily walk around in Picadilly Circus in London!

Even more impressive was a builder with a fear of flying. Even seeing a plane in the sky would make him feel anxious! he was sceptical about the chances of Paul helping him, as he said he was very stong willed, and nobody would be able to re-programme his brain! However, after what looked like a single session with Mr McKenna, he was happy to board a flight from Birmingham to Edinborough (I thiink), and later, went up in a small plane with his wife.

Naturally I am suspicous that this programme had been edited to make the results look more spectacular, but was wondering, as hypnosis is suposed to be able to affect the way we think, and Panic attacks and anxiety are a direct result of how we think, has anyone here had any positive experiences of hypnotherapy?

I tried it myself several years ago, when I was depressed and anxous following a relationship break-up, but I can't say it really did anything for me. Having said that I don't think the hypnotherpist was very good, and I never felt completely relaxed.