View Full Version : do ectopics always feel the same?

05-01-08, 15:39
okay...this might be a bit of a ramble, so apologies in advance.

I have suffered from ectopic heart beats for years (at least so I always thought). They used to really scare me and then gradually I tried to ignore them most of the time (with varying success).

My GP always put it down to anxiety even though they rarely happened when I was anxious and last year after a period where they became very scary again I was referred to cardiology (this was also due to my family history of losing my dad and eldest brother suddenly due to cardiac problems)

Anyway, been to cardiology, had an ecg and echocardiogram, both normal. Had a 24 hour ecg done at the end of September and just recieved a letter from the clinic yesterday which said it was 'essentially normal with some ectopics'.

Now this should be reassuring....I'm glad the 24 hour tape showed something and I'm not imagining it....thing is when I had the tape on I had very few ectopics that I was could feel....and nothing compared to how they can feel sometimes.

And today I was woken up by what felt like my heart having a huge 'wobble'.....I know thats not very technical but to me thats what it felt like....it lasted a few seconds (felt like ages) I felt panicky, then it settled again. I wasnt anxious when it happened (I was asleep), but now I'm thinking what if these scary ones arent ectopics but something else, and I never had any while having the 24 hour ecg so they wouldnt know what they are...and what does 'essentially normal' mean....surely somethings normal or not.

Sorry I'm freaking out a bit about this....my own health doesnt normally worry me but cardiac things do....

Does anyone else have ectopics which feel dramatically different at some times than others, or some which feel just like your heart is having a huge 'wobble' (dont laugh ....thats the best way I can describe it lol).

I have an appointment to go back to cardiology in May, but a) thats ages away and I'll have myself convinced of some serious condition by then...and b) why do I have to go if everythings 'essentially normal'.....and c) why do I have to keep thinking so flippin much and dissecting each word of the clinic letter looking for hidden meanings....aaaaaggghhh!!!!

Sorry but some reassurance would be much appreciated please.

luv Coni XX

05-01-08, 16:12
Hi Coni :)

I can definitely symathise with what you called the "wobble" and think that is a fantastic name for it. I have had what sounds like the same sensations as yourself and it does freak you out :(
For me it makes me move very quickly, almost as if my concious and brain say, quick shift position to try and make it stop.

So in answer to your question and hopefully to reassure you a little, yes ectopic sensations can feel different.

Hope that helps hun and heres a :hugs:

05-01-08, 16:36
Coni, heart conditions arent just an overnight thing , they are there for life and sometimes they raise there ugly head and peopl sometimes go through al there life with a condition and never ever know about it, Now you need to really take on board that you have been given the all clear on your heart and thats the best news you could ever want, dont try putting thoughts into your mind that its something else ectopics happen all the time sometimes you feel them someimes you dont but they are all the same regardless.

please be happy in the fact that your heart is healthy as it needs to be , its strong,rgular and will keep you alive for years and years and there is absolutely no way on earth that you will have a condition before may after you have had the all clear, so get that out your mind and spend the rest of your long life actually living it rather than worrying about it.

YOU have been given the all clear on your health (thats more than 98 % of people in the world have had)

Hope you get over it all soon and enjoy your life..

Flinty xx

Rachey poos
05-01-08, 19:51
i have times where it does does the "traditional flutter" LOL....then the huge THUMPS...the flips ...the flops and def the wobbles... the other night i had it going a few fast uncontrolable beats...abouut 8 fast beats then back to normal so of course i was dying.... hubby said "it might have somot to do with all the chocs you just eaten rach"...which he had a point! lol .....any new strange feelin and flutter disturbs us peeps with anxiety disorder! Dont worry....... when my mum had an ecg doc said it picks up anything...even knows if u had heart attack ages ago! DONT WORRY...YOU ARE FINE...LET IT WOBBLE!

05-01-08, 20:20
Aaw Coni,

I don't suffer with ectopics - but on the very, very odd occassion my heart sort of shudders or vibrates....spose wobble would be another way of putting it. I know it's easier said than done, but try to keep the 'essentially normal' result uppermost in your mind. Years ago I was told I had a 'near normal' thyroid, even though I had been presenting with symptoms of an overactive one, and that one day I'd need treatment for it............that was over 20 years ago and all has been fine since and will probably continue to be! I know that's not quite the same but it's as near as I can get to encouraging you I'm afraid!

Anyway, will speak soon, but just wanted to give you some http://th210.photobucket.com/albums/bb56/gemluva/th_Hugs.gifwhilst I was here!

lotsa luv :hugs: :flowers:

05-01-08, 20:50
thanks for the replies guys...

Jo you're right it does make me want to change postion too...or cough....but I wondered if that was just me panicking...good to know I'm not the only one.

Flinty thank you...I know your reply makes sense and when i have my rational head on its not too bad....but sometimes my fear and imagination runs away with me....I think just because of what happened to my dad and brother.

Rachey...I think that'll be my new mantra 'let it wobble' lol....and that could apply to various body parts of mine lol!

GG....as always thanks for the reply and the hugs....I know I know....I think too much lol!

Thank you all again for taking the time to reply.

luv Coni XX

08-01-08, 17:39
okay...this might be a bit of a ramble, so apologies in advance.

I have suffered from ectopic heart beats for years (at least so I always thought). They used to really scare me and then gradually I tried to ignore them most of the time (with varying success).

My GP always put it down to anxiety even though they rarely happened when I was anxious and last year after a period where they became very scary again I was referred to cardiology (this was also due to my family history of losing my dad and eldest brother suddenly due to cardiac problems)

Anyway, been to cardiology, had an ecg and echocardiogram, both normal. Had a 24 hour ecg done at the end of September and just recieved a letter from the clinic yesterday which said it was 'essentially normal with some ectopics'.

Now this should be reassuring....I'm glad the 24 hour tape showed something and I'm not imagining it....thing is when I had the tape on I had very few ectopics that I was could feel....and nothing compared to how they can feel sometimes.

And today I was woken up by what felt like my heart having a huge 'wobble'.....I know thats not very technical but to me thats what it felt like....it lasted a few seconds (felt like ages) I felt panicky, then it settled again. I wasnt anxious when it happened (I was asleep), but now I'm thinking what if these scary ones arent ectopics but something else, and I never had any while having the 24 hour ecg so they wouldnt know what they are...and what does 'essentially normal' mean....surely somethings normal or not.

Sorry I'm freaking out a bit about this....my own health doesnt normally worry me but cardiac things do....

Does anyone else have ectopics which feel dramatically different at some times than others, or some which feel just like your heart is having a huge 'wobble' (dont laugh ....thats the best way I can describe it lol).

I have an appointment to go back to cardiology in May, but a) thats ages away and I'll have myself convinced of some serious condition by then...and b) why do I have to go if everythings 'essentially normal'.....and c) why do I have to keep thinking so flippin much and dissecting each word of the clinic letter looking for hidden meanings....aaaaaggghhh!!!!

Sorry but some reassurance would be much appreciated please.

luv Coni XX

I have been having ectopics for nearly 2 years now and just had my first"wobble"(great way to put it)and it scared the hell out of me im glad there are a few of us that has had these sort of strange wobbles if makes me feel a bit better.

08-01-08, 18:39
yep...experienced the 'wobble' great way of putting it. I also get this feeling like my heart is sinking into my stomach or something, does anyone else get that?

08-01-08, 19:21
[quote=cassi23;292072]yep...experienced the 'wobble' great way of putting it. I also get this feeling like my heart is sinking into my stomach or something, does anyone else get that?[/quote

I do have that feeling now and again to me it feels like my heart is for want of a better worse 'loose'and almost moving