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View Full Version : Need a little reassurance please......

05-01-08, 21:15
Been on Citalopram for 10 days now. Been having horrendous time and today im extra anxious. Feels like the adrenaline is pumping through my veins and i just cannot relax. My chest keeps feeling tight too. I had some acupuncture earlier on my back which hasn't helped at all.
I almost feel like i need to scream and run and run until my body is so exhausted it has to relax.
Just a bit of encouragement would be appreciated cos at the moment i feel like giving up with it.

05-01-08, 22:19
Hi Donna,

The first bit is the worst but you've come this far so stick with it - it's worth it! I went through a bad two weeks but am so glad I carried on taking Citalopram as it's really helping me now.

You might find relaxation exercises help you - they really helped me. Lie on your back where it's quiet, breath slowly and deeply and close your eyes. Tense each group of muscles in turn (right hand, left hand, upper arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, forehead, stomach, buttocks, legs, feet), hold it tightly for ten seconds and relax, letting the feeling of tension flow away.

Breathing exercises may help too - breathe in deeply and slowly so your stomach puffs out and hold it for ten seconds while slowly repeating "relax" to yourself.

Good luck, and keep going - the feelings will pass soon. You're nearly there.


05-01-08, 22:39
Hello Donna

I second what Will says - you've got this far so it would be a shame to stop now, tempting though it may be.

I can really sympathise with you over the needing to run - I wanted to just run and 'jump' out of my skin at times.

The adrenlain will eventually be re-absorbed the more relaxed you become(that's what my GP told me!) it just seems to take forever.

I also found learning a song or a piece of poetry and reciting it over again in my mind helped when it all got to a peak - which for me was between 3.00 - 4.00am and first thing in the morning.

Keep posting and letting us know how you are ok?

big hugs for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


06-01-08, 11:44
Hi - I found the same but after a fortnight I seemed to settle down and not be wanting to run around screaming with the uptightness of it all. Then the tablets helped me to level out and allow me to sort myself out. Hugs - its' not fun at all xxx

06-01-08, 18:06
hello doglover , im in very much the same boat as you, ive never felt like this before but then again ive never been on meds before, i feel so weird like i dont now own my own body , its like someone else is in control.