View Full Version : Im leaving with no introduction (here's why)

06-01-08, 10:03
Hi all.
I think many of you know me because of some talks in public chat. I loved how some of you remembered my name and my age or something about me, since i wasnt here that much time. But some still recognized my nick when I logged in.
I think it's nice to see ppl rem you and Ive talked to many 1s, tryin to help since i defeated anxiety and panic totally and now im a new person. I think panic helped me to understand what is necessary in life and what is not. It made me understand that you shouldnt care that much what people might think about you (since you ll always be wrong in someone's eyes, necessarly) and that sometimes what you feel or see it might be not so real as it seems to be.

On the other hand, it made me realize what is nice in life: being honest to people, helpful and always joyful whatever happens, believin in friendship and love.
I had found some nice ppl in chat, some became good friends to talk to, some (just one) had become something more. For me at least.

The first one, suddenly, deleted my account on msn for no apparent reason. Then ignored me on nmp chat and pm message (when i asked what i did wrong to deserve her ignoration); i tried to ask on public chat too but no response. I still dont know why, but now maybe i have a clue.

Second Case: a very special person i decided to meet (maybe may or june). Went along great with her and were goin to talk to her on the phone or via the web. We both talked bout our lives with no secrets at all. Then SILENCE again. But 'luckily' this time i had a response: that i should leave her alone cause she heard how I HARASS WOMEN ON THE WEB.

Im still shocked, what did I do? Harass women on nmp chat?
If i ever did please write clearly what i said there. If someone wants to talk bs on me pls discuss it with me here.

IVE NEVER CAME HERE TO HARASS WOMEN. Would have been good if i met one and I did, but someone's jealousy destroyed it all.
Are you (the unknown one/s) perhaps jealous that some asks... r u really italian? or says italian lovers are nice or fascinating. Someones jokes bout me being a stallion or smth.

Im no stallion or charmer or anything. I hope u just consider me for what i am for real and stop sayin stuff when im not there on nmp.

Poor you. The one (s) who said unpleasant stuff about me, I mean. But maybe u achieved what u really wanted.
I think you can guess what it is.


06-01-08, 12:23
Hi there italian guy
I dont know you i've never had a chance to chat with you but I hope you get this sorted without feeling the need to leave nmp.

06-01-08, 12:27
Well some would say you must be lucky not to talk to me, since i harass people on chat. Or that Im a weirdo or pervert, dont know.
I just want people to talk and say what they really think about me.
I hate talks behind my back, especially if they completely made it up. How evil some folks can be.

06-01-08, 12:29
Hi Luca,

I've spoken to you a few times in chat mate but havent seen you there for a while now :D I hope you get sorted out whatever has happened and dont leave the site :hugs: xxx

06-01-08, 12:34
Grazie di tutto mandy!
Un saluto speciale...


06-01-08, 12:50
Well I like to make my own mind up about ppl so whoever said what I hope they sort it with you soon.

06-01-08, 13:00
hey mafia.........havent seen you in ages im sorry someone has made you feel this way i think your a terrific guy and hope you can get things sorted im glad to hear your doing well......i wish you all the best luca................linda xxxxxxx

06-01-08, 13:53
Grazie mille Linda!
Un abbraccio.
Well I hope people to come out and say what they really 'saw' about me.If someone thinks ive been nasty or too flirty( is "invitin" ppl to Italy HARASSMENT?Then im sorry!I wont say that anymore) just SHOUT it to me and stop whisper behind my back.
As you can see, i have proofs someone did.
How miserable.

06-01-08, 14:14
Hi Luca

We have chatted a few times in chat room and I too hope that you can sort this out with these people.

Don't leave though because of some silly rumours.

06-01-08, 14:29
Ciao Nicola.
Yea I think u were in chat yesterday as well, when I told everybody I felt down and disappointed.
Those are rumours yes, but they impressed ppl more than my behaviour and words did.
I ll come some other times on nmp chat to make some stuff clear. Maybe who thinks im a "cheater" will be readin too.

06-01-08, 14:43

We haven't meet or talked Luca, but I can understand where you are coming from. I hope that you get this sorted out.

An please as Nic Said, Don't Leave, This Site Is Big Enough For All Of Us.

Take Care,
Tina xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-01-08, 14:52
Hi Luca,
Sorry to hear that you are having problems here.
I would ask you to leave the door ajar-NMP is for all of us with problems and I hope you will come back should you feel anxious at all.
I am not aware of your "issues" but I hope they can be resolved amicably.
Best wishes,

06-01-08, 15:19
Hi Italianguy


Realmente ho goduto chiacchierare a voi e spero che abbiate goduto chiacchierare a me. Onestamente, riterrei triste se Non Lasciaste Panico ed amavo imparare l'Italiano e trovando verso l'esterno circa determinati posti italiani, cos delle mie esperienze di festa dei genetori.

You've done so well and are an inspiration to others.


Best wishes from Ju xx

06-01-08, 15:37
Hi Luca, you sound quite a sweety.Where abouts in Italy are you from.My mother comes from Teramo (Rippattoni):yesyes: :yesyes:

06-01-08, 15:53
hi ya iv been in chat the last 2 days when you have been there i know we havnt really spoke but i dont feel you have done anything wrong and i hope you stay and dont leave nmp xx hope you get things sorted Denize:hugs: xx

pink daisy
06-01-08, 15:54
Hi Luca...

Ive spoken to you a few times in chat, I have never had a problem with you.
There is always gonna be roumours and people not liking you some place or another. But dont let it make you leave here as you have alot of advice to give to others that are suffering from anxiety too.

I did think about leaving when I was known as the new nmp Tart lol
But hey I quite like the title now lol .... I know I can joke about it now but I was very upset about the whole thimg as some people on here wasnt nice to me and even said i was a nasty piece of work on chat. But Hey we have to rise above it and just be yourself!!! So Luca stuff them all hun and come in chat and find new friends xx

Pink Daisey

06-01-08, 16:03
Hi Luca,

I also have not met you but I do know that sometimes in chat things can be blown out of proportion. I do hope you stay because here at NMP we always need someone who has had anxiety and conqured it so that you may help others and it sounds like that is what you were trying to do and that is always nice.


06-01-08, 16:08
Hi Luca,

I've met you a few times in chat and you've always come across as a decent guy to me so I hope you decide to stay.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-01-08, 16:47
Hi Luca, you dont really know me but I have been in chat maybe once or twice when you've been there and just wanted to say you seem like a nice guy, I'm sorry things havent been good for you, but hopefully it will all get sorted out and you can stick around.

take care

luv Coni XX

06-01-08, 17:12
Thank you all!A whole page of replies, this is just great :)
Grazie ancora. I ll reply to every single response.

06-01-08, 17:13

We haven't meet or talked Luca, but I can understand where you are coming from. I hope that you get this sorted out.

An please as Nic Said, Don't Leave, This Site Is Big Enough For All Of Us.

Take Care,
Tina xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Grazie Tina!
Yea I hope I can sort this out, but at least now i know I've still some good friends on nmp.

06-01-08, 17:17
Hi Luca,
Sorry to hear that you are having problems here.
I would ask you to leave the door ajar-NMP is for all of us with problems and I hope you will come back should you feel anxious at all.
I am not aware of your "issues" but I hope they can be resolved amicably.
Best wishes,

The door ajar?That might be a good Idea...I would still be able to come in and greet some good peeps in here

Ciao e grazie

06-01-08, 17:19
Hi Italianguy


Realmente ho goduto chiacchierare a voi e spero che abbiate goduto chiacchierare a me. Onestamente, riterrei triste se Non Lasciaste Panico ed amavo imparare l'Italiano e trovando verso l'esterno circa determinati posti italiani, cos delle mie esperienze di festa dei genetori.

You've done so well and are an inspiration to others.


Best wishes from Ju xx

Hehe Thanks for the pc- translated Italian :)
It was nice of u. I might be an inspiration yes, but I dont feel like openin to ppl that much anymore.


06-01-08, 17:20
Hi Luca, you sound quite a sweety.Where abouts in Italy are you from.My mother comes from Teramo (Rippattoni):yesyes: :yesyes:

I live 400 km far frm Teramo :)
Thanks for describin me as a sweetie

Auguri anche a te!

W l'Italia e chi la ama!

06-01-08, 17:21
hi ya iv been in chat the last 2 days when you have been there i know we havnt really spoke but i dont feel you have done anything wrong and i hope you stay and dont leave nmp xx hope you get things sorted Denize:hugs: xx

Yea i rem your nick in nmp chat....
you seem a good person too, thanks for your virtual hug

Ci vediamo presto.....!

06-01-08, 17:25
Hi Luca...

Ive spoken to you a few times in chat, I have never had a problem with you.
There is always gonna be roumours and people not liking you some place or another. But dont let it make you leave here as you have alot of advice to give to others that are suffering from anxiety too.

I did think about leaving when I was known as the new nmp Tart lol
But hey I quite like the title now lol .... I know I can joke about it now but I was very upset about the whole thimg as some people on here wasnt nice to me and even said i was a nasty piece of work on chat. But Hey we have to rise above it and just be yourself!!! So Luca stuff them all hun and come in chat and find new friends xx

Pink Daisey

Ciao Carissima!
Yea i see that "tutto il mondo è paese". That means everythin happens anywhere on earth. And i've heard that your sexy, yea.
Im just joking. But u know there's ppl who talks a lot when one comes a ltl out of the blue in the chat.
I normally dont care what ppl might think bout me. I just want that some ppl that i consider "special" dont think false stuff. that's all.

XXX Luca

06-01-08, 17:26
Hi Luca,

I also have not met you but I do know that sometimes in chat things can be blown out of proportion. I do hope you stay because here at NMP we always need someone who has had anxiety and conqured it so that you may help others and it sounds like that is what you were trying to do and that is always nice.


Hi Laura! u know u got a nice italian name?
Tnx for ur message and hope to talk to u soon xxx

06-01-08, 17:28
At Nibbles and cony:

Thanks to both, ur known nicknames to me. Maybe ill get the chance to talk to u again.
Un augurio di buon anno ad entrambi (happy new yr!)

06-01-08, 17:35
Hey Luca.

Sorry to hear things haven't been good for you recently :hugs:We've spoken a few times and you've always been perfectly nice to me.

I hope you decide to stick around as I'm sure you are very welcome here (you can tell that by all the replies!:))

Take care,

xxx :flowers:

06-01-08, 17:40
Oh Hello Swanny!
Yea I still wonder who I talked to dirty haha. Well i ll leave a message on chat so that all that r there can reply. I hope they will all do, even the ones who think im some sort of girl - cheater or smthing.
Have a nice day, dear!

06-01-08, 17:42
dont think we have spoken but i hope things work out for you

jodie xx

06-01-08, 17:44
Hey Luca,

I havent spoken to you, but feel the need to contribute to this thread. I feel that you shouldnt leave over nasty rumors and just looking at the replies in this thread there's a lot of support and well wishes here from so many other members. so my thoughts are that you should just ignore all the school ground rumors and come make some new friends on the board :D you sound like a dear person.

I give you well wishes with whatever you decide to do. xxx

06-01-08, 17:53
Ciao Jodie, maybe ive seen you sometimes in chat but we havent had the pleasure to talk to u yet.

Hi Star... it's not about the rumours it's because people may believe to them and not to what they see!! This is scary.
I want all to think who im for real, and i hope to settle it right.

Thanks again

06-01-08, 18:05
Tnx to Kellie for her pm too! :)

pink daisy
06-01-08, 18:10
come on luca log on in chat xxx

06-01-08, 18:26
:) Hi there Italianguy don't think we have chatted as i don't go into chat that much anyhow, especially when i'm feeling low
But it's sad that you have had some nasty responses and you feel the need to leave.
Hey i'm sure that you cheer up the chat room no end and hope u don't leave because of jealous rumours or whatever
Stay with it mate
Luv Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:yesyes:

06-01-08, 18:26
Hi Luca
So sorry that you feel the need to leave nmp and I am so pleased at your recovery. I have spoken to you a few times and I have always found you charming. I can't understand why anybody would say that you harass women.:hugs:
love Mags xxx

06-01-08, 18:36
Ciao Richie!Glad to know you...! I still feel the need to leave if im not sortin this out. I ll keep comin on nmp chatroom to see if i can make it clear more than it's already.

Margeeeee... ur very sweet and i ll keep u in a special place in my memory, tnx for ur words

06-01-08, 18:52
Im sure we have spoken in chat:hugs:

I hope you can get this sorted and if I can help then feel free to shout:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-01-08, 21:14
Ive received mails, pm and messages in here. Hope u ll keep posting.
Some thought i was referrin to them in some way but i didnt. Im still waitin for the person who believes i harass ppl to talk to me though.
Thank you all.

06-01-08, 21:49

it made me sad to read your post. ive met some really nice people on here who have helped me loads. hope you meet some nice friends too!

ju xx

06-01-08, 22:01

Just read your post. I think the part about you not worrying about what people think is great advice. I think a lot of us on hear suffer from Anx. It seems Anxiety and deppression only effect caring loving people who try to make everyone like them. That means all that use this forum must all be caring and loving people.

What I don't understand is why you have cared what people think this time?

Can't you just change your nickname?


06-01-08, 22:46
Hi Julieb, tnx for ur post. I agree, some are great in here. There must be some rotten apples though, sadly.

To meewah: Yes "worryin" bout others might think is very common in anx people. Since the time i stopped carin that much i feel great, believe me.

Why do i care this time? Because ive lost a person for this reason, and because some ppl made this up. I dont deserve any bad thing like this.
Ignore me, but pls dont say lies bout me.
Am i a pain in the ass for sm1?

Ciao e grazie a tutti

06-01-08, 23:06
What a drama.

I am not sure why this should be a post, I fail to see why Italian chose to post in the 1st place.

I am always unsure of people who go directly to chat and never post in general, and I have no time for this underhanded way of getting back at people in the public domain.

I think there is more important things in life Italian, if you was shunned then why?

It is an anxiety room after all chap.

06-01-08, 23:14
Well what a drama.
Maybe u wouldnt care if that happened to you? Well I do and felt like i had to make it clear.
This should be a post because ppl judged me and some avoid me for no reason. Dont I have the right to ask why? Or see why some ppl is doin that to me? I posted it in this place since I never introduced myself. lve left all in the chatroom. That isnt an anx room but a friends one. For anxiety there's anxiety "help" room.

06-01-08, 23:20
No chap, you are mistaken. Chat is for anxiety, help is for crisis.

Maybe you was under the impression that it was a general chatroom?

I cannot recall you giving advice to sufferers on your recovery from anxiety, that you stated you have conquered.

I would suggest that this post has no real substance, other than you claiming to be hard done by, and possibly it should be stopped now.

Kind regards,

Your's sincerely,


06-01-08, 23:31
That isnt an anx room but a friends one. For anxiety there's anxiety "help" room.

Just to clear this matter up - it is a panic and anxiety chat room and not a general meet-up room.

The HELP room is for one-to-one support when someone feels really bad.

06-01-08, 23:32
I dont see any advice sayin that chat is for anxiety only. I havent been vulgar or anythin bad in that chatroom, and i see ppl talk bout anythin in that.
About me givin advice bout anx stuff? R u really in everytime i have been, Jaco? Well I did, in public and via private messages.
My post has a substance, and it's been replied frm several adminstrators or senior members, so i guess it's just ur personal opinion and nothing more.

Anyhow... i have proofs that some ppl keep avoidin me. I have proofs ppl talkin behind my back. The substance of this post is that before thinkin bout ur anxiety, think bout the anxiety u lead, when u speak like this. And this post is for the ones who really think we r all to help here. Many do.
Others must be here for other reasons.
I ll keep postin in chat as long as i need to.

Tanti saluti e buonanotte.


Btw: i never had another nickname since sm1 asked me. I think some can check and i firstly logged in as "windofme" or smth, then changed to italianguy.

06-01-08, 23:33
breathe slowly and step AWAY from the keyboard guys.

Italian, no amount of questioning on here will OUT the people involved in your PERSONAL conflict with members of No More Panic. May I respectfully suggest that you simply forget it and get on with your life. These things happen , especially on the internet.

This is not the right way to sort things out , certainly not in public!

Keep it to PM.

06-01-08, 23:39
1)I tried via pm but I got no responses
2) I dunno who r the ones who think that bout me and i m askin them to come out and show they can sort things out and not act like ltl babies
3) im gettin on with my life great, I guarantee im not so naggy as it might seem in these posts.

See u soon.

06-01-08, 23:41

Please calm down ok - I wrote you a supportive post earlier

But this is NOT a general chat room hence it is from a Panic website and you always meet people in here with deep-rooted issues and problems so it is maybe not the best place to meet people for future romance etc if that is what you wanted.

I wish you no harm but please do remember that we all suffer on here and it is not your usual yahoo/msn chat room.

I hope you can sort things out.

06-01-08, 23:46
If you receive no reply via PM then that is their prerogative.

Leave it and walk away now. That is the "grown up" thing to do.

All this is rather tedious, unnecessary and boring.

It could also upset members

06-01-08, 23:52
I think things should be just left now,this is getting out of hand.

06-01-08, 23:54
no need to shout lol

06-01-08, 23:57
Well it's not romance what i wanted, nor being boring at all.
U've convinced me: im not posting anymore. But at least I had the possibility to write what happened and concerned me.
Thanks all for ur support and be sure ive come here to help and give advice and receive some and not anythin else. I've spoken mostly about "normal" stuff too anyway, I admit.

You can close this thread if needed. Ive said all I had to say and surely ppl who had to read it, did.

Communication over.
Bye, tc all



07-01-08, 00:00
Thanks Luca

07-01-08, 08:46
awwww so sorry i not spoken to you in chat but i realy hope you get it sorted dnt let ppl put you off and certainly dnt leave nmp cuz of it .wat awful experience youve had realy sorry to here all this tc hope to speak to you in chat soon tc elaine xx

07-01-08, 12:52
omg ju didnt no you spoke italian teach me sum cuz im half italian i cant speak it tho lol well don ju and italian guy please dnt be put off we are all here to help each other ok tc elaine x

07-01-08, 13:50
Hey ladygrom Im half Italian and cant speak it either!!!!:wacko: Well impressed with Ju.:yesyes:

07-01-08, 16:33
try here..easy peasy lol "non nessuno più panico è un grande luogo per il sostegno ma per datare" lol


08-01-08, 10:09
I dont really post on here and Ive never spoke to you in chat but I was in chat when you came in and anounced that you were leaving chat for good.
Now you started this thread, fair enough but you cant seem to let it drop, I even saw you in chat again last night going on about it....to me it seems as if you cant let things drop which could be the reason why whoever the people you are talking about have accused you of harrasing them....think about it.

08-01-08, 12:21
Hey Luca,

I have spoke to you in chat and we had a laugh together,hope u didnt take anything i said serious,i didnt think so as u were having a laugh back.


Keep your heart open to dreams,
For as long as there's a dream,
There is hope,
And as long as there's hope,
There is joy in living.

08-01-08, 23:17
Luca - am I removing you from the forum then - sorry I forgot to ask!

14-01-08, 21:56
You can kindly remove me from the whole thing, Nicola. Delete my id - account as well please.
That means No italianguy id anymore.

Un grazie sincero a chi mi ha sempre creduto e sostenuto!
A quei pochi che hanno dimostrato affetto e che hanno creduto esclusivamente a quello che hanno visto e non a quello che si è potuto distrattamente sentire da qualcuno.
Un augurio con il cuore a chi crede di potersi sempre migliorare, e lo fa con passione e determinazione, e crede che una parola o due possano sempre e comunque essere di conforto e supporto.

Un solo comandamento:credere!

Addio o chissà... arrivederci!

14-01-08, 22:11
In English that was ...

A thanks sincere to who me always it believed and supported! To those little that they showed affected and that they believed only to what they saw and not to what it has been able absentmindedly it hear from someone. An omen gladly to who believes to be able always to be improved, and does it with passion and determination, and believes that a word or two possano always and however to be of comfort and support.
An alone commandment: to believe!
Goodbye or who knows... goodbye!

15-01-08, 10:10
oh i am an old softy..i found that all rather romantic in a tragic kind of way:flowers: Where ever Luca may be i wish him well:) Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-01-08, 10:43
Hiya italianguy,
I hope all of the kind messages on here have made you realise that the nastyness was only coming from one direction therefore i hope you dont leave the site. It sounds as though many people have enjoyed speaking to you in chat and im sure you would be missed.
Im sorry someones elses bitterness has got in the way of your friendship..that is a great shame.
Try not to let it upset you too much xxx

15-01-08, 20:09
Another self obsessed thread, yawn

07-07-09, 22:54
Was that comment really necessary?

Isn't NMP for people who are ill and some who actually do have obsessions.

However now I've read this post of yours it explains a lot about how you dealt with me in the chat room.

07-07-09, 23:01
This is a very old thread and was dealt with at the time. Sorry we missed removing it. I am closing it now.