View Full Version : lump on tonsil

06-01-08, 12:06
Hi, me again. For months now I have had a white ish, skin coloured lump on my tonsil.. it is not an infected tonsil as like I say its been there ages. It is not sore or anything.
When I had a upper resp infec I went to the Docs a couple of times and they looked at my tonsils, no one passed comment on the lump.
Also for my sinus probs I had to have an endoscopic camera up my nose and down my throat slightly,the Consultant said all looked normal thou I never actually passed comment on the lump,nor did he. Today there is a very tiny little very while lump next to it.
Of course I am thinking throat cancer. I do not smoke,tho I did eight years ago. My throat often feels funny, tight etc and I get alot of phleymy stuff, but mainy when I am in neurotic mode and focusing on it.
Now I am thinking the pains I have been having in my legs, altho they are much better might be sighns of cancer too spreading round my body.
Anyone got any suggestions what this lump could be. It does not really grow at all, if anything sometumes it looks smaller.:weep:

06-01-08, 13:45
Hi, I think all the tests you have had would have picked anything serious up by now and as nobody has mentioned it I wouldn't worry too much. Might be an idea to see your gp just to put your mind at rest though.
Take care:hugs:

06-01-08, 13:52

both my daughter and sister suffer from this problem too. just on one tonsil. the ony person who ever comments on my sisters is when she ges to the dentist and he asks if she has a sore throat as one of her tonsils is swollen but she hasnt. i took my daughter not long ago ( she is 9) as oe side was really swollen but the gp said thats when the tonsils are doing their job properly, they swell to fight off infection, its perfectly normal. my daughters seems swollen to different degrees most of the time too.

hope thats helped,

ju x

06-01-08, 15:29
Sounds like the lump I've got!

I went to the doc's back in March, having noticed the lump a few months earlier. I went in, burst into tears and said I'd got throat cancer. She looked and said Oh it's a little cyst!

I'd get it checked out at the doc's just to be on the safe side.


06-01-08, 15:58
I can tell you exactly what it is, a tonsil stone. This is one you CAN google and it will put your mind at rest. I have worried myself sick about the same thing before, i have had two which both stayed for months. Its basically all the bacteria which collect in the tonsils and form a whitish lump which can be hard or soft. I eventually managed to pop mine with a toothpick (would not recommend!) but some people are able to pick them out with their finger.
They are totally harmless and most common in people who have sinus issues where they have a lot of mucus running down the back of there throat but anyone can get them.
If its not causing any irritation i would just leave it alone.
Hope you feel better now!
Donna :winks:

06-01-08, 22:00
I have some freaky things on my tonils including holes in them from bad throat infections. If you are worried actually mention it to the doc so they can have a good look.

Hope you feel better soon!
Take care,

06-01-08, 22:16
Thanks for your replies guys, so appreciate it!!!! Have made my mum, my friend and my brothers stare into my thoat today, have been completely neurotic. Sat on my mates bed crying my eyes out. Feel so tired of having this health anxiety, just started on St Johns Wort again.
Feel like giving up. Not on life but just of struggling.
Thanks for all the reassurance.
It looks fleshy tho, is that still what the stone thing would look like?
Feel sooooooo tense tonight after a day of worry, head banging!!!
Thanks guys. Karma for you all. xxxx

06-01-08, 22:19
Also it kind of is on the side of the tonsil, hard to describe, but as the tonsil ends its there, got a new little white lump there today but no soreness. I do often suffer with post nasal drip which is why I went to ENT for camera up nose etx, was not expecting him to take it as far as throat, just worried that cause I did not specifcally point it out he missed it.
I get a dry throat and often have to clear my throat but that seems to worsen when stressed as get muscle tension in face and neck, seeing chiro for that.

06-01-08, 23:25
Yes it looks like a white or yellowish lump, mine was fleshy. It got bigger over a period of a few months. Some solidify into a stone but mine was basically full of puss (gross sorry!)You have 'pits' in your tonsils which is where they tend to be. The fact you have sinus issues makes me even more sure what it is. I used to obsess about mine looking constantly in the mirror and was convinced i had throat cancer. Its proper name is tonsillolith.


08-01-08, 11:50
Showed the pharmacist and he reckoned it was infected. But it is not sore,altho I do often get a low grade sore throat.... he says it is no way it would be the big C, but still I am worryin and checking it in the mirror too often.
Why would an infec last five months??? Does it mean I will need the tonsil out? It is not very swollen,only slightly and thats simce the new lump appeared.