View Full Version : Insomnia - what drugs DON'T make it worse?

06-01-08, 13:16
I've been prescibed 5 different anti-depressants since May and each time I seem to be getting better, and getting used to the drug, insomnia kicks in and I fall apart. I understand this is common with SSRIs - I'm currently on Lustral/Sertraline (and have been on Nardil, Duloxetine, venlafaxine...) and although initially it seemed to be helping, I've begun struggling to sleep and have lost a healthy sleep pattern. Am frightened by my dependence on benzos, and by the thought that there just isn't the 'right' drug for me - not that I particularly WANT to take them but have a long history of depression and anxiety.
Can anyone who has had similar problems with sleep tell me of any anti-depressant they've taken successfully with no interference to sleep? I wonder if tri-cyclics would be better but my shrink doesn't want to go down that road. Would be glad of any success stories as I'm feeling very disheartened. Thanks everyone. Janey x

06-01-08, 14:27
Hi Janey
let you I cant sleep on Sertraline and the anxiety hasnt lifted much if at all so I'm disheartened as well. The shrink has said if these dont work prob nothing will so is looking towards med free!!!!! sometimes I think this maybe a better option afterall could the anxiety be worse???

Love Joy

06-01-08, 14:55
Hi,I tried lots of ssris and couldnt tolerate the side effects and one as you say is insomnia. Ifinally tried clomipramine it is a tryciclic anti depressant and has helped me so much.I just wondered you said they didnt want to go down the road of tricyclic anti depressants, did they say why?

chloe xxxx

06-01-08, 16:49
Thanks so much Chloe. i think you've confirmed my hunch. The reason the shrink has given so far is that tri-cyclics cause constipation!!! I think that would be the least of my worries! The real reason they don't like to prescribe them these days is that unlike SSRIs, tri-cyclics are toxic and you can kill yourself with an overdose, so i think they try to steer clear of them, regardless of whether you are at risk of suicde or o/d. I need to discuss this further with my dr so thanks for yr input. Best wishes too!

06-01-08, 16:58
Glad that helped a bit, yes you do get constipation and a dry mouth which can be a pain but as you say compared to the the symptoms of anx/depression its bearable.The trycyclics have a slight sedative effect too.
Hope you find the right medication soon.

:hugs:chloe xxx

06-01-08, 16:59
Let me know how you get on.

:) xxx