View Full Version : Tourettes

06-01-08, 19:04
I was just hoping that someone could help me over this, have just finished reading a book with a girl in it who has tourettes as well as a social phobia
and was wondering if Tourettes is a condition that can happen out of the blue and when you are older as well?
I know mostly people have it with them from childhood and it can be hereditary but just say for example that you had tics or twitches when anxiety is very high but could it actually be tourettes instead
worried Richie x

06-01-08, 19:35
Hi there Richie

The Wikipedia entry on Tourettes is actually very good.

To answer your question, Tourettes is present from childhood. Symptoms / traits may wax and wane throughout life, and IIRC, may become more apparent as one grows (appearing "worse" at adolescence, for example) but it is not going to spontaneously arise during adulthood.

Best wishes


30-06-11, 11:08
i have tourettes no you always would of had it even if you dint no what it was and dint understant till your older you would look back and remeber all your ticks and that and no that you have always had it.people with tourettes also can have ocd depression anxiaty ect i think it all comes in with the tourettes ness thats just me and my sister,so you mabe confused if you are relating to someone who has tourettes but mabe something difrant babe xxx