View Full Version : husband at out of hospital

06-01-08, 19:13
Hi all

Great news to tell you all my husband is out of hospital and doing brilliant still unsteady on his legs but going from strength to strength. He is the most important thing in my life without him i don't know what i would do it's made me realise how much he means to me and i love him dearly. Meningitis is such a horrible disease you don't realise when someone so close to you gets it how bad it is and it is a sudden thing. The kids have been great through this but now they have got back to their old ways just annoying me so much i love them loads but you can only take so much. I am so glad i didn't get any panic attacks or anxiety while this was happening but when i seen him for the first time on a ventilater i lost it for a few seconds, i couldn't breathe but i calmed myself down which i was amazed with we had our belated xmas dinner and it was lovely.

Thanks so much for all the lovely replies it cheered me up so much.
linda xx

06-01-08, 19:16
aww lin

i am so please you hubby is home and feeling better:yesyes:

jodie xxxxx

06-01-08, 19:26
That,s wonderful news glad your husband is on the mend, it does make you stop and think just how much we do love our other halves, even if sometimes they do drive us mad , as mine is at the moment.:yesyes:i really am pleased for you , happy new year to you and your family, i,m sure your husband will go from strengh to strengh, my thoughts are with you . take care all . lorraine xx

06-01-08, 19:26
Brill news Lin:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Love to you both:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-01-08, 19:27
Hi Lin
So pleased your husband is home and doing well and a big well done to you for keeping your anxiety under control
love Mags xxx

06-01-08, 20:23
that is great news...
am sending my love and posative vibes to the both of you...
im sure he will just get stronger and stronger with each day
take care of yourselves

06-01-08, 20:48
Lin Thats absolutely fantastic news....I'm so pleased for you all!

take care

luv Coni XX

06-01-08, 22:36
Hi Lin,

I am so pleased to hear that your husband is back home and going well. Hope that he recovers real fast.

Take Care
Tina xxxx

06-01-08, 23:56
Thats fantastic news:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

06-01-08, 23:58

Thats so good to read, big hugs to you and your husband hun :hugs: :hugs:


Trac xxxx

07-01-08, 00:27
Hi, that is great news, yes husbands are very special and irreplaceable and it does often take something major to make people realise. I am alone now, but know when I did have my husband around it was the only way I wanted it,... anyway, so glad you are all together again now.
The only way is up now.xxx

07-01-08, 23:28
So happy you are both doing better. It is great to hear he is on the mend. Good news at last, I think we can all do with some of that. Sometimes sudden shocks like this lead to fantastic changes in peoples lives, it seems to make us rethink what life is about and hence value our lives more. I hope this encourages you to make changes and enjoy life together. This could be the start of something...

Lots of love for the future.
