View Full Version : Came back to this site as it helped last time.. hoping it will do the same again!

06-01-08, 19:39
Hi, my name is claire. Im 19 years old and have been suffering from Emetaphobia (fear of being sick) since i was 11.
Iv suffered from panic attacks, anxiety, agrophobia as a result of it.
I went through such a bad stage around 13-14 where i couldnt leave the house.. my phobia was so severe that i was having around 10 panic attacks a day.. it really was the worst time in my life.
Since about 16-17, after finishing school and college and meeting my bf, things have changed dramatically.. mainly down to this site aswell.. my PA's reduced and i started to get my life back on track, i also had CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) which helped alot aswell!
Lately.. i dont know why but iv been feeling under so much pressure again. My PA's have come back but iv been frightened to tell anyone because my brother was diagnosed with Cancer back in July so my mum and dad have had enough to deal with, and i dont want my bf to think i am a failure because im letting them happen again.. i was so strong, bt i feel weaker by the day.
I also have this weird thing where if im standing in a queue where i am buying clothes, i have huge PA's and feel like i am going to pass out.. if im buying anything other than clothes i am mostly fine..
If i find myself standing up for long periods of time without a chair being there.. just incase.. then i also feel like i am going to pass out! Its horrible.. the fear of passing out is taking over the fear of being sick i think...
Is anyone else feeling anything similar.. please help! i really do feel down again after getting my life sorted, i feel like im back to square one, with no one to turn too..
Thanku for reading this xx

06-01-08, 20:51
Hi Fairyclairy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sorry to hear about your brother and maybe that is why you've felt more stressed lately. Feelings of fainting are very common so you're definitely not alone. I suggest talking to your boyfriend because I'm sure he would be very sympathetic and want to help. It probably wouldn't come as a surprise either because everyone struggles during times of stress. One thing is for certain and that's that you're not back to square one. You've got a lot of knowledge that you've built up and that will help you get back on track again.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-01-08, 21:55
Hi Claire,

Welcome back to NMP.
I agree with Nibbles-you did the right thing in coming back.
Have you had a chat with your G.P. lately?
Your boyfriend probably would help you if asked.Your brother's illness is dreadful news but ignoring your worries will help neither him nor you.
Best wishes,

06-01-08, 22:02
hey claire and welcome to the site...........wish ya well......linda

06-01-08, 23:14
Hello Claire:welcome: back to you!

I'm sure you'll get help here just as you have before:hugs:

You are certainly not a failure - the very fact you decided to come and seek help where you found it before shows how positive and determined you are.

As with all aspects, life has it's ups and downs - but the downs don't mean failure.

I second Mike's and Chalky's advice - and we've all been where you are now so understand how you feel.

big hugs for you :hugs: :hugs: :flowers:

07-01-08, 10:12
hi claire welcome back to nmp. im so sorry about your brother. talk to your b/f and go back and see your doc to it helps to talk hun dont try and go it alone .hope to see you in the chat room where we will help you all we can. take care. kellie

07-01-08, 15:33
Hi Claire,

Welcome back! It sounds to me like you are under so much stress and I'm so sorry about your brother. I would either talk to your doctor or boyfriend or even your parents because you are still their daughter no matter what else is going on. Believe me as a parent you care about all your children no matter their age. I'm glad you came back as we can give tons of support. Try and do what you did last time to get better, if it worked before it will help.

By the way, we all have blips.



07-01-08, 23:31
Thank you so much everyone for their messages of support and advise, i feel very welcomed to this site as i did before and im sure coming on here regularly will help me get through this!

I was very close to talking to jay (boyfriend) tonight but i chickened out because i didnt want him to see my upset.. he's seen alot of that recently.. i will get the courage soon though im sure.
I wish everyone luck and support in dealing with their worries and i hope i can give advise that will help someone

Claire x

08-01-08, 19:42
Hi Claire

Welcome back and sorry to hear you are suffering again - let's hope we can get you back on track again eh?

08-01-08, 21:46
Hello Claire.
The feelings your having are pretty much how we have all felt at some point, i know i have for sure, but you have to ask yourself some questions which i found helped a lot, for instance when you are out anywhere be it a clothes shop supermarket or anywhere else for that matter how many people have you seen pass out? how many people have you seen going mad and throwing their arms around etc? non to not many i'd say i'm 44 and have never seen anyone pass out in a shop supermarket or anywhere, and i'm sure if i had i would have had nothing but sympathy for that person and gone to help them, so please try not to let these thoughts ruin the possative steps you have made, they are just thoughts.
I'm struggleing myself at the mo as i'm an emitaphobic sufferer too and this virus thats going round has me in a state of total fear which in turn is doing all sorts of things to my body and mind, but i keep telling myself it's being scared thats making my body jumpy twitchy nervy etc and my head is only pounding from constant thinking, things will improve for you :)